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In Dominion, director Colin Trevorrow brings a host of brand-new reptiles to the Jurassic universe, as well as reviving some old fan favorites. From adorable herbivores to some ferocious new meat-eaters, this movie features dinosaurs more than any other entry in the franchise. This article contains spoilers.

10 Beta

Beta is the clone-offspring of Jurassic World’s favorite Velociraptor, Blue. Essentially a miniature version of her mother, she’s completely adorable and could well be this franchise’s answer to Grogu. Perhaps.

It soon becomes clear that Beta actually holds the key to solving a whole host of global problems, due to her unusual clone DNA. This makes her the perfect target for some very powerful people. After Beta is kidnaped, Owen promises her mother Blue that he’ll get her back. Cue a very dangerous rescue mission.

9 Atrociraptor

With the Velociraptors of the new trilogy essentially becoming protagonists in their own right, Jurassic World: Dominion gives us other subspecies of Raptor to fulfill the fear factor quotient. One of these breeds is the excellently-named Atrociraptor.

Specially bred to lock onto a specific target via a laser and scent, the Atrociraptors of Dominion are relentless killing machines. They pursue Owen, Kayla, and Claire through the streets of Malta in an exciting chase sequence, their single-track focus making them extremely dangerous.

8 Dimetrodon

The Dimetrodon has a surprisingly long history with Jurassic Park, despite Dominion being their first appearance on-screen. Back when the original movie was released in 1993, a slew of merchandise was released, including licensed toys of dinosaurs that were never even in it. The Dimetrodon was one such example.

In Dominion, viewers finally get to see them in all of their spiny, snapping glory, as they menace Dr. Grant and co in the tunnels of an amber mine. It’s a tense moment, in an extremely claustrophobic environment.

7 Pyroraptor

Leaning into the more scientifically accurate understanding of dinosaurs today (visually at least), the Pyroraptor is a feathered antagonist more akin to a large bird. Albeit a bird with a rather nasty set of jaws…

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Owen and the new character Kayla are stranded on a frozen lake when the Pyroraptor attacks. Exhibiting all the usual Raptor traits, from high aggression and the ability to run very, very fast, it also proves lethal in its ability to swim underwater. Cue horror when Owen falls in, and the Pyroraptor begins to hungrily circle him.

6 Parasaurolophus

The Parasaurolophus is one of the more peaceful species of dinosaurs in the Jurassic Park franchise. Usually found in herds, they’re part of the hadrosaur family of herbivores.

In Dominion, Owen and his team are chasing after a group of these particular dinosaurs in a thrilling horseback chase. They’re doing their bit to set these dinosaurs free, moving them away from hunters and illegal traders. Owen manages to capture one of the animals, gingerly approaching it and placing a hand on its beak in a beautiful little sequence.

5 Dilophosaurus

Making a welcome return after almost thirty years (save for a hologramatic cameo in 2015’s reboot), the spitting, hissing crested lizards have a pair of fun cameo appearances in Dominion.

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The Dilophosaurs (who never really spat venom or had a dazzling frill) continue their modus operandi of acting cute and docile, right up until the moment when they strike. It was the undoing of Dennis Nedry in the original and leads to another well-deserved comeuppance in their latest appearance.

4 Quetzacoatlus

Technically not a dinosaur (Pterosaurs were their own separate species), Quetzacoatlus is one of the many airborne terrors in Dominion. As pilot Kayla Watts rightly says - “Quetzacoatlus. Late Cretaceous. Should have stayed that way”.

Flying over the sanctuary of corporate overloads BioSyn, Kayla’s plane gets attacked by one of these giant feathered serpents (the meaning of their name). One of the engines is immediately destroyed, and Claire has to make an emergency escape. Right into a flock of more ravenous Quetzacoatlus…

3 Therizinosaurus

In one of Jurassic World: Dominion’s tensest sequences, Claire Dearing is suspended from a tree following a parachute mishap and has to find a way to quietly reach the ground. Unfortunately, a Therizinosaurus is on the prowl.

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Interestingly, Therizinosaurus was widely believed to be a herbivore – something which is acknowledged in the movie. However, with its long, sharp claws and dominant nature, it still poses a worthwhile threat to Claire, who is forced to submerge herself underwater in a bid to escape.

2 Giganotosaurus

Dominion’s “Big Bad” in terms of dinosaurs, the Giganotosaurus is the biggest land carnivore to have ever lived. While it doesn’t have quite the same impact as the Tyrannosaur from the original trilogy, or Jurassic World’s Indominus Rex, it still manages to pose a worthwhile threat.

The Giganotosaurus definitely means business in Dominion. In one of the movie’s most exciting moments, the cast of both trilogies are finally united just as the gigantic lizard crashes onto the scene. What ensues is a throwback to a very iconic sequence from the very first Jurassic Park.

1 Tyrannosaurus Rex

The T-Rex is the face of Jurassic Park. From its iconic stomping to the instantly-recognizable roar, it has been the ultimate mascot for the franchise since 1993.

With the latest trilogy, the Tyrannosaur has been kept on the sidelines, usually reeled out at the end for the big finale. Dominion is no different, giving the Rex a big confrontation with the Giganotosaurus. While not quite as thrilling as a similar fight between it and the Indominus Rex in Jurassic World, it’s a great, fan-pleasing moment nonetheless. The Tyrannosaurus Rex remains triumphant!

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