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The Last Kingdom has its shares of battles and war throughout the series that caused many casualties, death, and destruction. When it’s a tale about revenge and power, blood is expected after all. There were many skilled fighters in the series, but these remain the best so far.

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8 Athelstan

Athelstan is the son of King Edward and the future heir to the throne of Wessex. At the end of season 4, Uhtred was given the responsibility to protect, guide, and raise the young boy as a warrior.

Years later, Athelstan is grown up and has learned how to fight from the very best fighters out there, Uhtred and Finan. His training paid off, as at the beginning of Season 5, he single-handedly killed three men who tried to murder him. Although he still relies on Uhtred a lot in battle, he is quick on his feet and can hold his ground.

7 Young Ragnar

Ragnar Ragnarsson isn’t the same character as Ragnar Lothbrok in Vikings. He was the son of Earl Ragnar and adoptive brother to both Uhtred and Brida.

Like Ragnar Lothbrok, Young Ragnar was a brave and loyal Viking who fought for the people he loved. He valued Uhtred’s opinions, and even though he didn’t always agree with his choice to help King Alfred, he always supported and aided him. He has killed many people in battle, including the one responsible for the murder of his father. He fought with honor until his ultimate demise in Season 3.

6 Finan

Finan is an Irish warrior who was once a slave until he met Uhtred and escaped with him in season 2 of the series. The pair quickly grew close to each other and shared a special brotherly type of bond. Finan eventually became Uhtred’s right-hand man due to his logical advice about combat.

Finan is known for his loyalty, fearlessness, and fierceness in battle. He’s a strong warrior who always has Uhtred and his friends’ backs and hardly ever hesitates to do what he believes is right.

5 Brida

Like Uhtred, Brida was born a Saxon before being adopted by Danes. She grew up alongside Uhtred and has learned to fight just as well as he does. She has embraced the Vikings’ lifestyle and beliefs and truly considers herself a Dane. She has mastered the use of an axe and isn’t afraid to use it.

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She is a strong-headed and vengeful woman who never backs down from combat and never forgives anyone for the harm they’ve caused. She fights for what she believes in and won’t hesitate to torture anyone who might annoy her or try to step in her way.

4 Leofric

Leofric was a Saxon Military who served King Alfred. He was known for his loyalty and devotion to the Kingdom of Wessex. He was one of the best warriors that served the King and his people. Even though he hated Uhtred at first and nicknamed him “arseling”, the two eventually became friends.

Leofric was a man of honor, disliked injustice, and freely spoke against it. When it came to combat, Leofric’s fighting style often matched Uhtred’s. Like many other fighters, Leofric never shied away from a fight and headed into battle without hesitation.

3 Steapa

Steapa was chief to household guards of Wessex and served King Alfred and then King Edward. He was also Uhtred’s ally and often had his allegiance split between Danes and Saxons. He was known as a fierce, strong, and loyal warlord. He was brave in battle and even sacrificed himself to save his King without hesitation.

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Steapa may not have been the most intelligent man, but he was an experienced swordsman who always fought valiantly. There was even a rumor that he matched Uhtred in terms of skill.

2 Uhtred

Uhtred of Bebbanburg was born a Saxon named Osbert before being rebaptized as Uhtred after the death of his older brother. After his uncle Aelfric tried to have him killed to steal the throne, Uhtred found himself adopted by Danes. He was raised as their own and embraced their ways of life, including their fighting style.

Becoming a skilled and fierce warrior was necessary, especially if he wished to achieve his goal, which was always to reclaim his birthright and avenge the death of his adoptive family. Uhtred’s known for being strategic in battle, and he’s an expert in swordsmanship. His knowledge of both Saxon and Dane’s lifestyles gives him an extra edge on the battlefield.

1 Ubba

If we forget the fact that Uhtred is responsible for his death in the first season, Ubba was the best fighter in The Last Kingdom. Ubba was the son of Ragnar Lothbrok and a powerful warlord among the Danes who lead the “Great Heathen Army”.

When it came to combat, he was a methodical and well-respected fighter. He was fearless, ruthless, and at times very sadistic. He could be vicious with his victims, often torturing them before the kill. In his life, he had killed many men without remorse and won many battles.

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