Titan (the largest moon of Saturn) is one particular celestial body that some game designers have used to tell the story of their video games, especially the ones set beyond the 22nd century. So, those who enjoy playing games set away from planet Earth will want to know which Titan-themed video games are worth playing.

5 Titan Empire

Release Date: 1983

In recent years, Apple has garnered a significant following from the video game community, thanks to Apple’s Arcade long list of stellar games. And while more games are available on macOS nowadays, the list is massively short compared to Windows or Linux. But, during the 1970s and 1980s game developers would release their games onto the Apple II. One of these games was Titan Empire.

Titan Empire was a strategy video game that allowed players to control a ship (similar to the Starship Enterprise) and fly through various planets and moons. The main goal of Titan Empire was to stop a militant government (based on Titan) that was slowly taking over nearby planets/moons. The final level of the game was on Titan, where players had to destroy their base. Even though the graphics were dots and lines, it was one of the first Titan-themed video games.

4 Starsiege

Release Date: 1999

Even though The Metaltech/Earthsiege game series had over eight different installments (including Starsiege), it never quite caught on with Mecha-type game fans, as all Super Robot War games did. Nonetheless, Starsiege merits being mentioned since it was set on Titan and featured fun multiplayer gameplay. Furthermore, Starsiege received favorable reviews from most video game journalists since it brought a new light into the Simulation genre.

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Starsiege main gameplay revolved around piloting weaponized mechs (dubbed HERCULAN) and tanks. Each mech and tank had unique abilities, from faster shield recovery to heavier firepower. But, most notably, Starsiege allowed players to customize their mechs or tanks with armor, weapons, engines, and engine boosters. Players could also slightly customize their mechs/tanks with decals and paint jobs.

3 Descent

Release Dates: 1995 - 1996

Nowadays, most casual FPS gamers look to Battlefield or Call of Duty for entertainment, but the FPS genre is far larger than these two video game titans. But, no matter which FPS game players enjoy playing, the one that cemented the genre was Descent. That’s because it was the first game to implement an unrestrained range of motion (six degrees of freedom) and full 3D graphics. Descent became so popular that it grew across several expansions and sequels, and even had a revival on Steam.

This Titan-themed video game had over thirty unique single-player levels where players had to fight off virus-infected robots with their spaceship. But, the real interest of Descent among gamers was its online capability since it had competitive and cooperative multiplayer matches. The best part is that it was cross-platform friendly, a feature rarely seen at the time of its release.

2 Dead Space 2

Release Date: 2011

The Dead Space series is one of few space-themed games that know how to create a frightening ambiance without even making a sound. But, Dead Space is more than a horror game since it also implements fun combat, thanks to the Plasma Cutter weapon. And while Dead Space 3 didn’t perform as well as its predecessors, it still delivered players an action-packed adventure.

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While most of the series is set on a space station, Dead Space 2 placed players on Saturn’s largest moon, Titan. Most of the gameplay in Dead Space 2 remains the same as the first installment, but it does have some slight differences. For example, Necromorphs are far harder to beat, surviving several heavy attacks even at a lower difficulty. Dead Space 2 also has the infamous quick-time events, a significant downgrade from Dead Space. There was also an online competitive multiplayer mode that would place players on either a human team (defending the Sprawl) or a Necromorph team (attacking the Sprawl).

1 Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Release Date: 2016

Even though Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare had a lot of well-known actors (Kit Harington, Omid Abtahi, etc.) and even had cameos from Conor McGregor, it sold less than the previous Call of Duty (Black Ops III). Nonetheless, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare brought several new features to the franchise, some of which would shape some of the current COD games. But, the most noteworthy feature in Infinite Warfare multiplayer was the ability to summon an R-C8 robot, which would defend the player from enemy players.

Aside from multiplayer, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare had a decent Zombie game mode that introduced “team buy doors,” allowing newer players to get acquainted with the Zombie-themed missions. And while the campaign was mostly set on Europa, there were several high-octane missions set on Titan. Undoubtedly, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is one of the best Titan-themed games for players to play on their favorite gaming platforms.

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