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Some instances of magic realism in gaming are even too faint or subtle, one could consider them as Easter eggs. It could be anything from the Fountain of Youth, an out-of-place magic sword, or some ambiguous devils. Regardless, the magic realism in gaming adds more color to the otherwise monotone realism, and these games prove that well.

8 Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Release Year: 2015 Platforms: PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Most Metal Gear Solid games are more than fond of magic realism. At times, it can even feel like it’s the historical backdrop (for titles with older settings) that’s inorganic and is just tacked on with military fantasy. But The Phantom Pain doubles down on the realistic elements. It has a more faithful take on its time period, which is during the Cold War and the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

But from time to time, players will have to contend with a skull-headed man and his teleporting zombie commandos. There’s also this huge burning man and an omnipotent psychic who can zip in and out of reality. Players are expected to defeat them with Cold War-era weapons and close-quarters combat.

7 Assassin’s Creed Origins

Release Year: 2017 Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, Luna

Speaking of realism, there’s plenty to be had in Assassin’s Creed games. It’s a genre faithful to its history lessons. But sometimes, a historical conspiracy involving Julius Caesar and Cleopatra is not enough. Assassin’s Creed Origins just had to include mythological creatures like a magical sandstorm-conjuring jackal and snake gods.

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Needless to say, Origins put the “magic” in magic realism for the Assassin’s Creed franchise. Odyssey went on to refine this magic realism but Origins was notable for blindsiding its fanbase by including some inexplicable magical creatures which they later retconned as some anomalies of creation from the universe’s overlords.

6 Life is Strange

Release Year: 2015 Platforms: Android, iOS, Google Stadia, Linux, Microsoft Windows, OS X, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch

But magic realism needn’t be just limited to huge historical events and parallels. Even something as dull as a teenage girl’s suburban life is a prime setting for the trope. Such is the case for Life is Strange. It certainly has some obvious magic realism in its general tone and narrative.

It follows the story of Max who accidentally discovered that she can rewind time after saving her friend. Through this, the game rewards players and their use of magic realism by presenting them with different consequences depending on their choice. The game’s spinoffs and episodic sequels also incorporate this fantasy power.

5 Kentucky Route Zero

Release Year: 2013 Platforms: Linux, Windows, OS X, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One

Kentucky Route Zero might just be the push one is looking for to shift into a truck driver career. Because it turns out, there’s something therapeutic about countryside trucking. Sometimes one meets some odd strangers along the way and occasionally, one of them is bound to be a ghost.

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At least, that’s how it was in the game. If players happen to find themselves in the Bluegrass State segment of the game, they might just pick up some chilling ghost stories and even evidence of their existence. But such is life in the countryside; most people just ignore them, and life goes on.

4 Crusader Kings 2

Release Year: 2012 Platforms: macOS, Microsoft Windows, GeForce Now, Linux, Classic Mac OS

Sadly, dragons are a little too high fantasy so they’re not present in this throne room drama game. Crusader Kings 2, after all, likes to adhere to its prime inspiration, which is the medieval Europe/Mediterranean region. At most, players can bend the rules through incest or crowning literal horses as kings.

Still, certain events such as the arrival of the Antichrist or some characters achieving immortality. These add a semi-hidden layer of fantasy and a supernatural tone to the serious historical setting. Apart from religious events, even Lovecraftian mythos elements can make their way into the game from time to time.

3 Total War: Three Kingdoms

Release Year: 2019 Platforms: macOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac operating systems

Total War: Three Kingdoms is a strategy game that aimed to please both of its major fanbases that it included a “Romance” mode which is a fantasized and romanticized version of the Three Kingdoms time period. In this mode, the generals are turned into superheroes who can kill men by the hundreds.

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They also have some magical or supernatural weapons and artifacts that strengthen their royal qualities. It’s one of the game’s attempts to include some Wuxia tropes in the strategy game. Needless to say, Romance mode is more interesting than the grounded Realism mode which turns the generals into regular people.

2 The Darkness

Release Year: 2007 Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360

The Darkness, despite its fantasy-leaning title, is a game about getting revenge against the Mafia. Players will step into the shoes of a man named Jackie Estacado who was assassinated by a Mafia don for fear that he might become too influential one day to take over the crime family.

But to Jackie’s luck, his side of the family harbors a demon named “The Darkness” and this not only revived Jackie but also lent him some antihero powers. This made Jackie’s revenge plot way too smooth and free of resistance. Still, it’s easy to imagine his path of vengeance without a demon’s aid, though that definitely enhanced the experience.

1 The Sims 4

Release Year: 2014 Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Mac operating systems, Microsoft Windows

Players can ignore the vampires, mermaids, and even Death itself, but those will eventually creep up on their beloved or wacky characters in The Sims 4. For most of the base game, The Sims 4 focuses on simulating normal lives—people who rely on actual people’s needs.

But players can easily pick vampires or interact with them if they have the appropriate expansion set. If not, then the Grim Reaper might just come for their characters if they burn them enough times through bad cooking habits or faulty television sets. Magic works in mysterious ways here.

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