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The handful of them that can control, manipulate, and turn water into superweapons have made it so that they get noted for their abilities and in turn, become unforgettable. Turns out they can make their enemies more than wet— anyone who crosses these guys will surely land themselves in hot water.

8 Kamisato Ayato (Genshin Impact)

While there are too many characters in Genshin Impact who can control water or as the game dubs it, Hydro, Kamisato Ayato is the one who stands out the most at the time of writing. He’s only available in the beta testing stage at the moment but his popularity and prowess are undeniable and he’s set to easily become one of the most sought-after characters in the game once he’s out.

As a “water-bender” Ayato can infuse his sword with the power of water and this can give him lightning-quick strikes that leave little room for his targets to retaliate. His ultimate move in-game consists of laying down a field of water or some kind of rain that will continuously shred his enemies down to size. When not in combat, he presumably makes his own boba tea with his water and stores them in his clothes.

7 Poseidon (God Of War Games)

In Greek mythology, Poseidon is the God of the Sea, Storms, and most natural calamities. The God of War games definitely gave him justice in their portrayal of one of the mightiest of Mount Olympus as Poseidon is every bit as spectacular and arrogant as his mythological counterpart. In the third game, he even turns himself into a giant sea monster thing to stave off his own half-nephew who has anger issues.

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What makes Poseidon even more powerful compared to other characters here is that he also controls everything associated with the seas, meaning he can create cyclones, earthquakes, and of course, tsunamis. Most of the time, he doesn’t even need his main weapon, which is a trident, but all these godlike water powers didn’t stand a chance against a bald raging Spartan.

6 Aquaman (Injustice: Gods Among Us)

Speaking of monarchs of the sea, Aquaman is DC’s own take on sea-borne deity and while he’s not as powerful as Poseidon, Arthur Curry or Aquaman is a competent heavyweight of the Justice League. Hence, when that superhero collective got its own beat-em-up game, Aquaman had to be included in his full glory.

When it comes to aquatic powers, he’s not too far off from Poseidon minus the world-ending abilities. Aquaman also has a trident but this one can turn into pure water, allowing him to use it in creative and superpowered ways. Aquaman can also call on waves and other violent forms of water as his ultimate abilities when players use him in the game.

5 Aqua Man (Mega Man 8)

Mega Man has its own “Aqua Man” which thankfully didn’t run into legal troubles because this character almost didn’t get made as per the game’s lore. Apparently, Aqua Man was the result of a failed experiment; he was supposed to be Frost Man but was segued into Aqua Man following some failed inception attempts.

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Regardless, he turned out pretty troublesome as he’s a villain in Mega Man 8. Aqua Man can store water in his body and then release it as a weapon. He can turn his stored water into balloons or heavy spheres that are difficult to evade and can set back Mega Man’s progress. Personality-wise, he’s quite colorful as a villain and often resorts to flamboyant behavior and dirty joke making not as dull as dishwater.

4 Jaina Proudmoore (Warcraft Games)

There are tons of mages and other magic users that can bend water to their will in the Warcraft mythos but one of the most accomplished among them is none other than Jaina Proudmoore. She’s a princess/sorceress who rose up fast in her school’s hierarchy since she’s a prodigy. Apart from that, she’s also a brilliant commander.

Jaina can summon water elementals and this is her most notable water-based spell. The rest of her spell roster consists of solid forms of water and other ice spells that do more traditional damage to the enemies. Apart from that, Jaina also branches out to other “elements” since she can also produce some fire spells.

3 Rain (Mortal Kombat Games)

One of the lesser-known and underrated “ninja” characters of Mortal Kombat is none other than Rain. His name best describes his abilities as Rain is a master water weaponizer who can make buzz saw blades and needles out of water without turning them into ice first. Heck, he can even turn himself into water in order to evade enemies or “phase” through them.

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Rain can also make arenas more dramatic by introducing his namesake weather effect, leading to more awesome fights. He can definitely be cooler than Sub-Zero if he wants as Rain is a demi-god like some of the most impressive Mortal Kombat characters.

2 Prince Sidon (The Legend Of Zelda Games)

Prince Sidon was at his most aesthetically pleasing form in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild since it’s his modern rendition as a 3D character with seamless polygons. In any case, he’s the more combat-focused brother of Mipha who wields a trident into battle and can command water.

Prince Sidon uses his water attacks to take care of enemies if he’s surrounded or if there are too many of them. When it comes to utility, Prince Sidon can also swim up a waterfall as if he were walking, which is one of the handiest talents in a game like Breath of the Wild.

1 Squirtle (Pokemon Games)

While there are bigger fishes in the Pokemon Pokédex, Squirtle remains the definitive poster boy of water-type Pokemon. After all, he’s also one of the original ones and was also included in Ash’s lineup from the very beginning, even in the anime. Wartortle and Blastoise also come in close but they’re not as cute— and they don’t look like they like to cuddle.

Being a water-type Pokemon, Squirtle can, of course, shoot a high-pressure stream of water from his mouth to damage or disorient his enemies. In desperate times (like when players punch way above their Pokemon weight class), Squirtle can retract his head and limbs back into his shell and unleash several streams of weaponized water. He’s also single-handedly responsible for Ash’s daily water requirements though it’s not clear how Squirtle makes his water or if it’s even potable.

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