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Since then there have been four sequels, with Scream 5, or Scream 2022, being brand new. There was also a TV show that aired on MTV, although it’s not canon to the movies in a major way. Of the Ghostfaces that appear in the five movies, who has the best motivations for killing? Who is the strongest? Let’s find out who is the best Ghostface in Scream.

Spoiler alert for all five movies.

5 Roman

Roman is the secret killer revealed at the end of Scream 3. He is easily the franchise’s weakest Ghostface for several reasons. These movies work as whodunit mysteries because they dish out a lot of fake-outs. Most characters who could possibly be the killers are on camera for a good chunk of time. Roman is barely in Scream 3 until his reveal scene. So, when it happens, it’s like he is a new character.

Roman’s reason for killing also doesn’t make a lot of sense. Does Sidney have a long-lost brother? It is too much of a cliche for the end of a trilogy. That’s the joke though. Scream 3is parodying films that do that. It doesn’t make Roman cooler though. That said, he does deserve some props. He impressively took down Steven the bodyguard who was built like a brick. That explosive kill on Tom was also a step-up for the franchise. Maybe it was even a little too intense.

4 Richie And Amber

Scream 5 tries to pay homage to the original horror classic in several ways. The boyfriend of the main character, Richie, is one of the two Ghostface killers, similar to Sidney and Billy from the original movie. The second killer, Amber, doesn’t have a big reason for doing what she does. She is mostly a follower of Richie just like Stu was a follower of Billy.

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The overall movie is a social commentary on fandom becoming toxic. This is seen every day online in reality, so it is a perfect time to do this type of film. The two killers in this movie act upon their fandom and start killing to produce the ultimate Stab sequel. They’re better than Roman together, but they fail on the kill count. The majority of their targets survive their encounters, making them a weaker, but still fun, duo of Ghostface killers.

3 Stu And Billy

Billy and Stu started it all as the original Ghostface crew. The biggest thing they did was fool the audience into thinking there was only one killer. It wasn’t a new concept for a mystery, or even for horror films, but it still worked in Scream. Billy was the better of the two. He seemed like the leader. He was cool and collected. Billy tried to kill Sidney multiple times but managed to convince her that he wasn’t a killer even after she found evidence. Billy’s acting was top-notch.

Stu should be also applauded for helping with some impressive kills. The opening death scene involving Casey might be the most intense of the entire franchise. Tatum’s garage door kill was also brutal. Stu’s overacting was a bit much to handle though. Is there really a person like that? Together, their reasoning for killing didn’t fully come together even when the sequels tried to justify things with Sidney’s mom.

2 Mickey And Debbie

Debbie has one of the best reasons why she became a Ghostface killer in Scream 2. Sidney’s mom cheated with her husband thus breaking up their marriage. This sent Billy into a tizzy, making him one of the first Ghostface killers. This then led to his death. So for Debbie, Sidney is an evil root that must be torn out. Mickey’s reasoning is a bit odder. All he wants is fame from his kills.

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Is there a better way to become famous for a budding filmmaker? Mickey doesn’t seem to think so. His reasoning is exactly why Debbie can’t trust him in the end. However, together they get some impressive kills. The first one involving Phil with a stab to the ear was gruesome. Cici being thrown off of the balcony was also intense. Scream 2’s most ridiculous death was Maureen‘s in the theater. Did no one notice her getting stabbed before that? It’s hard to believe.

1 Jill And Charlie

Jill and Charlie are from Scream 4. This sequel went back to the standard formula of two killers per movie. Charlie’s reasoning for killing is a bit weak as he calls himself the Randy of the film. The nerd gets to become the killer and get the girl. It seemed like he was fed up with being ridiculed as some dork into weird things like horror movies. He also felt some scorn from Kirby. Jill is the more horrific murderer of the two, although her backstory is easy to sympathize with. She was a child when the murders in Woodsboro took place.

With Sidney moving on, that must have caused Jill a lot of grief in school. Sidney is an older woman who is capable of handling harassment from people torturing her about her past. What could Jill do growing up? For years, she must have had questions from friends and other students about Sidney. Eventually, it broke her to the point where she despised her cousin. She is seemingly the most dedicated killer seen on camera in this series. She hurts herself several times, including a painful drop into a glass table. Jill heightened Ghostface killers as a slasher brand and almost got away with it.

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