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Choosing the best mods for The Witcher 3 can be a daunting task for the uninitiated. Graphics mods vary greatly in size and scope, covering just about anything that can be found in the environment, characters included. Picking the most comprehensive mods, like the ones on this list, typically gives the player the best results while also avoiding complicated load orders.

Updated December 12, 2022 by Mark Hospodar: Fans don’t need too many reasons to justify revisiting The Witcher 3. The game is excellent on its own. However, players have even more reason to be excited these days since the next-gen update is set to release on December 14, 2022. The update will be free for players who already own the game.

As such, now has never been a better time to jump back into the world of The Witcher 3. Even though the graphics will look better with the new update, mods still remain relevant. PC owners can draw upon thousands of mods for the game, especially when it comes to the graphics department. This list has been expanded to include a few more entries that fans will definitely want to check out.

18 HD Reworked Project

When searching for an outstanding all-in-one texture mod, the player can’t go wrong with the HD Reworked Project. Standing at about 9.3 GB, this absolute monster of a mod covers a huge range of meshes and textures. The environment, terrain, buildings, vegetation, animals, and NPCs are all given a startling fresh coat of paint.

Objects not only look sharper up close but from a distance as well. The increased draw distance coupled with the enhanced level of detail makes everything flow together nicely. The mod authors also do an admirable job of maintaining the game’s original artistic vision. The mod itself can be installed as a single package or as four small parts.

17 HDMR - HD Monsters Reworked

There are plenty of monsters to be slain in The Witcher 3. If there weren’t, then Geralt would be out of a job. Since the player inevitably spends a lot of time in the company of monstrous enemies, it’s important that they look their best.

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The HDMR, or HD Monsters Reworked mod, retextures the game’s various beasts and foes. Many of these meshes and textures have been rebuilt from the ground up. Once again, the overall vanilla appearance has been preserved, so nothing unfamiliar should jump out at the player. The painstaking level of detail in this mod is immediately apparent and is definitely a must-have.

16 HDAR - HD Animals Reworked

Fans of the previous mod can’t go wrong with this one either, considering it’s also made by the same author, Denroth. The environments in The Witcher 3 aren’t limited to just NPCs and vicious monsters. Plenty of other animals such as deer, chickens, goats, etc. populate the map. They deserve a little attention as well.

Luckily, HD Animals Reworked gives The Witcher 3’s critter population some much-needed graphical overhauls. Players can now observe these animals in much sharper graphical fidelity that matches the rest of the environment, particularly if they intend on installing several of the other mods on this list.

15 No Dirty Lens Effect

Helpful mods don’t always have to be gargantuan in their scope. Sometimes, even small fixes can make a great difference. Case in point, for players who dislike some of the lens effects present in the game, there exists a handy mod to ease their woes.

No Dirty Lens Effect is a very simple mod. Similar to water droplets appearing on-screen when it’s raining, this mod removes the bits of dirt that often accumulate on the lens. It’s a minor annoyance that some players would rather see removed altogether.

14 True Fires

Lighting plays a substantial role in a game’s graphics. In The Witcher 3’s case, fire is the main source of light (besides the sun, of course). Undoubtedly one of the most visually impressive mods available on Nexus is True Fires.

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The models that compose the various fires are given a retexture, but that’s only a part of it. The real beauty lies in the enhanced draw distance the mod establishes when it comes to lighting. Light sources can now be seen from a great distance, making the overall environment much more immersive. Shadows are also given a realistic overhaul, which significantly enhances the feel of the interiors.

13 Beautiful Rocks

Most comprehensive texture packs include new or reworked assets that affect the environment. But rocks, much like vegetation, deserve some special attention. A good deal of the terrain in The Witcher 3 is rugged, so giving the rocks a proper facelift is definitely recommended.

A good choice for this type of mod is Beautiful Rocks. The mod’s purpose is rather self-explanatory. It upgrades the textures of the various stones and rock formations that are visible throughout White Orchard, Velen, Skellige, and Kaer Morhen. This mod fits quite well with the others on this list.

12 Meadows - An Efflorescent Grass Mod

Rocks can’t get all the love, right? From a visual standpoint, grass occupies huge swathes of the environment in The Witcher 3. However, the level of detail given to vegetation can often be lacking in games. The Witcher 3 is assuredly showing its age in that particular department.

When looking to spruce up the foliage it’s worth considering Meadows - An Efflorescent Grass Mod. The general lushness and vibrancy of the colors when it comes to grass are given a noticeable upgrade. Plants, like the game’s many varieties of flowers, also look better than ever. Frolicking through a field never looked so good!

11 More Realistic Wind Effect

Feeling immersed is what makes getting lost in a fantasy setting so enjoyable. Mods that help to enhance a game’s immersion are often great add-ons to install, especially if that particular game has already been completed several times over.

More Realistic Wind Effect is classified as more of an immersion mod but adds to the overall visual presentation of The Witcher 3. It tones down the sometimes breakneck wind speeds in the vanilla game. In its place is a more natural swaying of the foliage, which subsequently makes the environment look and feel more realistic.

10 Lip Movement & High-Quality Heads

The environment can’t get all the attention. Plenty of NPCs populate the game’s setting, many of whom can be engaged in conversation. There are plenty of mods available that focus on individual characters, but Lip Movement & High-Quality Heads is typically a good one to have installed.

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First and foremost, the mod makes it so that the lips of NPCs now actually move when speaking ambient dialogue. In addition, the details on their faces are given some much-needed priority. The shadow resolution when Geralt is engaged in dialogue is also sharpened.

9 4K Armor Textures

A witcher is nothing without his armor. The game doesn’t skimp when it comes to offering Geralt a wide range of options regarding protection. Geralt’s armor should always look its best while fighting the game’s myriad beasts and monsters.

The level of detail inherent in 4K Armor Textures is truly stunning. Items made from leather and chainmail really pop, their individual elements clearly discernable. Obviously, possessing a 4K-capable system and monitor is recommended to get the most out of this mod.

8 4K Clouds

Gaming with a 4K resolution is becoming ever more prevalent. For those with the right equipment, a game like The Witcher 3 can look gorgeous with a few 4K graphical enhancements installed. The environment, in particular, certainly has a chance to shine in this regard.

Those looking to add a fresh coat of paint to the game’s sky should consider 4K Clouds. It’s a retexture mod that any cloud-gazing enthusiast may want to try. Even fans without a 4K setup will still notice a difference in the sharpness of the clouds above Geralt’s head.

7 Lore-Friendly Silver Swords

It would be an understatement to suggest that Geralt’s silver sword in The Witcher 3 sees a lot of action. Monsters need to be dispatched with silver weaponry, as regular steel has no effect on them. Since fans will be staring at Geralt’s silver sword quite a bit throughout a playthrough, it’s only natural that it should look its best.

Lore-Friendly Silver Swords is a neat mod that not only makes silver swords appear better and more unique but also makes them conform more closely to the lore established in the books. Silver now has a more chromatic appearance that better distinguishes it from steel. After all, more immersion in an RPG is usually a good thing!

6 Glowing Witcher Eyes

Another bit of extra immersion that fans may appreciate involves Geralt’s appearance, namely his eyes. Geralt’s eyes, like other witchers, are catlike in appearance. Unlike non-witchers, Geralt is a proficient hunter at night, especially after ingesting potions and tonics that further augment his monster-slaying capabilities.

Glowing Witcher Eyes is a simple mod that adds a glowing effect to Geralt’s eyes at night. The mod comes in four presets depending on how much glow players want Geralt’s eyes to emit. It certainly gives Geralt a more intimidating appearance in darkness, which is a nice plus for fans who enjoy these types of extra effects.

5 Phoenix Lighting

The Witcher 3’s environment wouldn’t appear right without the proper lighting effects. In its current form, the game’s lighting often comes across as flat or even desaturated. The subtleties inherent in a sunset or a cloudy day are often missing in the vanilla version.

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The Phoenix Lighting mod fixes that problem by establishing a high degree of realism. Day and night cycles now behave more like they do in real life. Smaller intricacies, like the reflections that are visible in the water, are also included.

4 Super Turbo Lighting

Mods are all about options. If a particular add-on doesn’t strike your fancy, there are typically quite a few worthwhile alternatives on offer. If the previous entry fails to impress, players may want to consider Super Turbo Lighting, one of the more popular mods on Nexus.

Like any beneficial graphics mod, fans can expect a more realistic depiction of the game world’s lighting with this add-on. Players can experience some truly breathtaking vistas with Super Turbo Lighting, which makes stopping and smelling the roses now and then highly recommended.

3 Tweaks

Tweaks isn’t a graphics mod in and of itself. Rather, it unlocks the game’s potential for further improvements regarding graphics. Even with the settings configured to Ultra, players with high-end PCs may find that their rig can handle even more when it comes to enhanced visuals.

The mod contains two added presets for the player’s convenience: Supreme and Ultimate. Multiple objects displayed on the screen at the same time can all be rendered in a higher resolution as a result of this mod. It’s also worth noting that certain graphics mods may require Tweaks to be already installed to achieve their fullest potential.

2 Photorealistic Reshade

If a player wishes to strive for ultimate realism, then Photorealistic Reshade is a must-have mod. When paired with Phoenix Lighting, this mod creates a diverse range of crisp and vibrant effects that are arguably unparalleled in their beauty.

Colors are the focus of Photorealistic Reshade. Drab, washed-out color palettes are replaced with more striking reds and blues. As a result, images appear sharper, while the bloom effects are more noticeable. Sunsets and sunrises are bathed in golden rays that are incredibly difficult to ignore.

1 Wild Hunt Re-Engaged

Once again, fans don’t lack choices when it comes to mods, especially where reshades are concerned. When looking to make Geralt’s environment appear as breathtaking as possible, players can’t go wrong with Wild Hunt Re-Engaged.

Coupled with Super Turbo Lighting, this mod really does a world of wonder for the game’s graphical fidelity. Some of the mod’s improvements include bluer skies, greener grass, and varied weather effects to make certain areas feel more unique. Don’t overlook this one when reinstalling The Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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