However, there are a number of healers who are a cut above the rest, bringing excellent lore, style and personality along with their prowess over their medicinal arts, proving that healers have more to offer than merely patching up wounds.

10 Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins)

There is certainly more than meets the eye when it comes to Dragon Age: Origin’s elderly mage Wynne. Though in her sixties, she does not let her age slow her down whether it comes to summoning an ice storm to rain down on enemies or bring allies back from the brink of death.

Often she has words of wisdom to offer the Grey Warden, reminding the player they have a duty to Thedas, and generally acting as the party’s grandmother. Once the player gains high enough approval of her, it is revealed Wynne is an ‘abomination’, a mage possessed by a spirit, a revelation that would shock most players given Wynne’s wise and sensible disposition.

9 Sona (League of Legends)

League of Legends has expanded its roster over the years, giving players numerous choices when it comes to their preferred role, and the role of healer is no exception. However, Sona still holds the position as one of the best healers in the game, her beautiful character design combining music with gaming.

Along with healing allies, Sona has a range of other abilities in her arsenal including bonus damage dealt with every few basic attacks, buffing the damage and speed of allies, as well as her ultimate that demobilizes enemies, leaving them vulnerable to damage.

8 Doc (Rainbow Six Siege)

Though there are other healers now available to play in Rainbow Six Siege, Doc remains the most iconic of all, casting the other healers from the title in his ever-present shadow. With him being the first healer introduced its little wonder he remains the most recognized one, with his reputation given time to cement itself in the annals of the game.

With the ability to heal teammates from afar, and even revive those who have fallen, Doc is a force to be reckoned with, and not to be taken lightly.

7 Donald Duck (Kingdom Hearts)

Hailing from Disney fame, Donald Duck begins his career in Kingdom Hearts with his established abrasive personality that people love or hate. He received some fresh new lore in Kingdom Hearts, appointed as King Mickey’s court magician and royal assistant.

Providing healing magic, comic relief, all wrapped in a household Disney mascot, Donald Duck is certainly a healer that will be remembered by players for years to come. His character development from only caring about finding Mickey to coming to care about Sora truly is excellently done, giving his sharp and gruff personality the soft touch it needed.

6 Morgana (Persona 5)

The feline-like creature Morgana took up the mantle as the resident healer in Persona’s latest franchise installment. Though other characters, including Persona 5 protagonist Joker, can learn healing skills such as Dia, Morgana is no doubt the character with access to the most powerful healing spells in the game.

With boatloads of confidence, panache, and layers to his character as shown when he runs from the Phantom Thieves following Futaba’s recruitment, Morgana is not just a fantastic healer, but a fantastic character in his own right.

5 Mercedes (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Mercedes is a key companion in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, proving her mettle and versatility with her proficiency in both light and dark magic. As is somewhat of a stereotype with healers, Mercedes has a very positive outlook and personality, healing her allies with a smile, and can never ignore someone in need.

Her winning personality combined with her healing abilities that allow her to heal multiple people at once, Mercedes is definitely deserving of the title as one of the greatest healers in video games.

4 Yuna (Final Fantasy 10)

Known as a practitioner of white magic as well as a summoner like her father before her, Yuna holds the title as one of the most competent healers of the series, and an iconic character in her own right. Her recognizable appearance rings familiar even to those who have never picked up a Final Fantasy game before.

Yuna’s capability as a healer and summoner make her the backbone of the party, bolstering defenses and buffing dwindling health points to keep the team in the fight for another round.

3 The Medic (Team Fortress 2)

Team Fortress 2 is a treasure trove of recognizable characters, and The Medic is no exception. Hailing from Germany with only a tenuous grasp of medicinal ethics, The Medic might not be the healer you want as your doctor, but he is certainly someone you would want on your team.

The Medic uses his Medi Gun to heal teammates overtime, meaning some awareness is necessary to play him effectively. Once allies are at full health the healing beam instead provides buffs, giving players the upper-hand in skirmishes against opponents.

2 Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy 7)

Another iconic healer hailing from the Final Fantasy series, and perhaps one of the most famed and beloved characters from games of all time, her influence expanding outside the franchise.

As one of the remaining descendants of an ancient race known for their powerful magical abilities, it is of little surprise Aerith is one of the most powerful healers in gaming history. Able to restore allies health and offer status enhancements while maintaining an upbeat and joyful demeanor, she is essential not only to heal her allies but maintain their morale.

1 Mercy (Overwatch)

Mercy became the face of healers following Overwatch’s release back in 2016. Memes centering around the tired, jaded healer that is something of a babysitter to cut-loose DPS’s were inescapable on the internet, not to mention the ‘I need healing’ jokes that were in plentiful supply.

Mercy’s influence, and her prowess as a healer, is undeniable. Not only one of Overwatch’s most powerful healers with the ability to both heal and buff allies’ damage output, she had an ultimate ability so debilitating Blizzard were forced to nerf it. And when it comes to one versus one, Mercy can become No Mercy, experienced Mercy mains capable of dispatching opponents with her Caduceus blaster.

More: Overwatch 2: All Support Ultimates, Ranked