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Flexibility reigns in Dungeons and Dragons 5e (D&D 5e) andit’s often the healer that gets the party out of certain doom & saves the day. For players looking for more dynamic characters, a healer might serve this purpose well. After all, most healing-oriented classes in D&D 5e are built to be extremely flexible. However, should players take on the responsibility of a healer, just what are the best spells that should be in their repertoire?

Updated September 3, 2022 by Rhenn Taguiam: Healing Spells in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition are always a welcome addition to a Spellcaster’s arsenal, particularly due to their ability to ensure the party’s survival. And with new threats arriving with new 2022 adventure books Spelljammer: Adventures In Space and Dragonlance: Shadow Of The Dragon Queen, players who want to create Spellcasters might want to add healing spells such as Power Word Heal, Vampiric Touch, and Aura Of Vitality to their arsenal.

19 Power Word Heal

Sometimes, all it takes for someone to recover completely is to bend the laws of physics itself to “force” healing unto a subject, and this is exactly what Power Word Heal (9th Level Evocation) does. The Spell transpires over the course of a single Action, with an effect that happens simultaneously.

The spellcaster needs only to touch the target (Verbal, Somatic Components) in order for a wave of energy to be released unto them. This energy will have the target regain all their Hitpoints and end any condition if it’s Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, or Stunned. Likewise, using this on a prone creature can have them use their Reaction to stand up. However, this Spell doesn’t work on constructs or the undead.

18 Vampiric Touch

A damaging effect that heals is still a healing effect, and this is exactly what Vampiric Touch (3rd Level Necromancy) does. Throughout one Action, a spellcaster can concentrate on a target within their reach for up to one minute and can siphon the life force from the target unto the caster.

When this Spell is cast (Verbal, Somatic Components), the spellcaster has to make a melee spell attack against the target, of which the target takes 3d6 Necrotic Damage on a hit. The spellcaster then gains Hitpoints equal to half of the damage dealt to the target. What’s tricky here is that the spellcaster can repetitively make the spell attack once per turn until the spell ends, and adds 1d6 to the damage die for every Spell Slot used above 3rd-Level. This is easily a nifty Spell to have for Subclasses that try to tap into both a Spellcasting and melee build.

17 Aura Of Vitality

One of the best ways for a spellcaster to heal their fighting allies is to heal a lot of them at the same time, which is how the Aura of Vitality (3rd-Level Evocation) works. When the spellcaster concentrates for up to a minute and casts the Spell (Verbal Component), they can create a healing energy that reaches all living things up to 30 feet from them.

The aura moves with the spellcaster, allowing them to use their Bonus Action to cause a living creature in the area, including the spellcaster, to regain 2d6 Hitpoints. This extremely useful spell can provide instantaneous heals without spending Spell Slots, since a full minute can take up to six combat turns.

16 Regenerate

One of the most potent Spells in 5e comes in the form of Regenerate (7th-Level Transmutation), essentially a means to stimulate the natural ability of a creature through special components (Verbal, Somatic, and Material Components in the form of a prayer wheel and holy water). When the Spell begins, the target regains as much as 4d8 + 15 Hitpoints, and may regain up to 10 Hitpoints each minute throughout the hour-long Spell.

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What’s more impressive about Regenerate is its ability to help creatures regain their severed limbs within two minutes. And if the spellcaster has the severed limb between them, holding the part onto the stump will have the limb “tie” itself to the stump and be healed. This Spell is especially useful to help Subclasses that emphasize engaging in battle extremely frequently, despite the risks.

15 Mass Cure Wounds

Mass Cure Wounds (5th-Level Evocation) has the potential to be an extremely potent healing spell. This instantaneous spell requires an Action as well as Verbal and Somatic components to be cast within a range of 60 feet. When activated, up to six creatures within a 30-foot-radius sphere receive 3d8 + Spellcasting Ability Modifier worth of Hit Points. Moreover, the amount of healing gets a 1d8 boost for every Spell Slot higher than 5th Level.

Despite the multi-target nature of Mass Cure Wounds, its high Spell Slot cost might not make it worth the trouble of using. It might be a better strategy to reserve 5th-Level Spell Slots for damage-dealing Spells, and use lower-level Slots for minor healing.

14 Heroes’ Feast

Heroes’ Feast (6th-Level Conjuration) is the equivalent of an invigorating meal before a hunt in Monster Hunter. Healers only need 10 minutes to cast this spell with Verbal, Somatic, and Material components. Once they finish, Heroes’ Feast brings forth an amazing feast for up to 12 other creatures to enjoy.

Where Heroes’ Feast truly shines is with its benefits. First, all participating creatures gain a 2d10 increase in both Hit Points and Hit Point Maximum. They also now roll Wisdom Saves with an advantage. Lastly, these creatures gain immunity to being frightened and poisoned. These benefits last for as long as 24 hours, which can become more than enough time for the heroes to outlast a major encounter or even an entire session.

13 Healing Spirit

Druids and Rangers should consider getting Healing Spirit (2nd-Level Conjuration) as soon as they can. This Spell needs a Bonus Action as well as Verbal and Somatic components to cast, and lasts up to a minute with concentration. The spell calls forth a transparent spirit to occupy a five-foot cube within 60 feet. The Healer can then prompt that Spirit to heal 1d6 Hit Points of any creature that enters its space.

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Additionally, the Caster can move the Spirit up to 30 feet as a Bonus Action. The Spirit can heal for as many as 1 + Spellcasting Ability Modifier before it disappears. Due to its situational nature, a Healing Spirit can be handy in battles where the Healer has the room to concentrate.

12 Healing Word

Players scale in health very quickly when they level up, which might make some spells like Healing Word feel less impactful when cast. Unlike other healing spells, however, Healing Word only takes a Bonus Action to cast and happens instantaneously. Anyone within 60 feet of the spellcasting class can receive its benefits.

With Healing Word, a target can receive 1d4 + Spellcasting Ability Modifier of healing. It doesn’t have effects on constructs or undead, which means Healing Word strictly becomes a support spell. Moreover, healing gets increased by 1d4 for every Spell Slot used above 1st-Level. Despite its rather “weak” nature, Healing Word serves as a great supplement for healing spell combos.

11 Cure Wounds

Spellcasters with a knack for healing will almost always rely on good ‘ol Cure Wounds to help their allies. After all, this 1st-Level Evocation spell (Verbal, Somatic) happens as soon as they get to touch their target. As it heals a target of 1d8 plus their Spellcasting Ability Modifier, this easily becomes a go-to healing spell at early levels. Moreover, this spell increases the healing by 1d8 for every higher-level Spell Slot used.

Unlike other healing spells, Cure Wounds doesn’t affect constructs or undead. As such, players should strictly reserve this spell for healing purposes.

10 Mass Healing Word

While some argue that Mass Cure Wounds heals more, Mass Healing Word (3rd-Level Evocation) costs less and leaves room to use other emergency healing. This instantaneous Spell works within a Bonus Action, and only needs a verbal component. Up to six creatures of the Spellcaster’s choice are healed for 1d4 + Spellcasting Ability Modifier.

At first glance, Mass Healing Word simply just casts a lot of Healing Word at the cost of a third-level Spell Slot. However, when it comes to group-based healing, Mass Healing Word becomes a must-recommend for Healers to prepare.

9 Goodberry

What is it about small, bite-sized food that gives nourishment and decent healing? The Goodberry serves as a handy 1st-Level Transmutation (Verbal, Somatic, Material) spell for those in need of quick healing. Casting Goodberry only takes an action, and afterwards ten berries appear on the caster’s hand. Each berry, infused with magic for 24 hours, can heal 1HP. While this healing might not seem too useful, parties can use that 1HP buff to get out of being knocked out or even turn the tide of battle.

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Moreover, Goodberry eliminates the need for adventurers to carry a ton of rations for extended journeys, thanks to the Goodberry’s ability to provide sustenance for a day.

8 Spare The Dying

Spare the Dying easily becomes one of the most essential cantrips in the Cleric’s arsenal. This Necromancy cantrip (Verbal, Somatic) can stabilize any living creature with 0 Hit Points. Casters simply need to touch the target and its effects happen instantaneously.

Despite its simple nature, Spare the Dying should become a staple in any healer’s arsenal. Players may also choose to get the Magic Initiate feat to get Spare the Dying from the Cleric’s cantrip list. Spare the Dying’s once-per-long rest mechanic under this feat can become a surprise life-saver in crucial situations.

7 Lesser Restoration

While not a healing spell, Lesser Restoration becomes an important asset in any party’s arsenal, especially when against stronger opponents. This 2nd-Level Abjuration spell (Verbal, Somatic) is a reminder that stronger opponents rely less on brute force and instead debilitate the party with status conditions. Simply being Poisoned, Paralyzed, Deafened, or Blinded can render any party member useless.

Thanks to Lesser Restoration, a caster simply needs an action to touch a creature afflicted with a disease or condition to end it. Since the effect happens instantaneously, a party member can quickly return to the fight without much worry.

6 Aid

Despite not being a healing spell, Aid serves as one of the best support spells in D&D 5e. This 2nd-Level Abjuration spell (Verbal, Somatic, Material) targets multiple creatures, with effects lasting for eight hours. Casters who activate Aid need to cast it using an action, and three creatures within 30 feet will get +5 to their Hit Point maximum until the spell ends.

This +5 to Hit Point Maximum might not seem like a lot, even with the option to boost the bonus by +5 for each Spell Slot used above 2nd-Level, but when combined with the Temporary HP bonus of feats like Inspiring Leadership, Aid becomes an essential buff prior to long travels and boss fights.

5 Gentle Repose

Spellcasters might find themselves surprised to see Gentle Repose in a list of recommended healing spells. This 2nd-Level Necromancy ritual (Verbal, Somatic, Material) doesn’t exactly grant any healing to its target, but seasoned adventurers might find the use of this spell when dealing with powerful NPCs, especially when other powerful forces seem about.

Casters can use Gentle Repose on remains such as a corpse. When they touch the corpse, the spell protects the corpse against decay and cannot become undead for 10 days. Parties with a dead comrade can use Gentle Repose to extend the time needed to get the components for Raise Dead, especially since the latter can become demanding with its requirements. Gentle Repose can help the party stop major villains from summoning a major NPC as an enemy undead– which, let’s be honest, always remains a possibility.

4 Life Transference

Clerics might find themselves surprised to see Life Transference in their repertoire. This 3rd-Level Evocation spell (Verbal, Somatic) takes an action to cast but its effects happen instantaneously. With this spell, casters take 4d8 necrotic damage and their target will in turn receive healing of a value twice as much as the caster’s damage (think lifesteal). Using a 4th-Level Spell Slot and above increases the damage by 1d8 per level, but this also increases the potential healing value of the spell.

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Given its dangerous nature, it makes sense for casters to look at Life Transference as a last resort spell. After all, an average of 20 damage to a maximum of 80 damage can prove fatal to low-HP spellcasters. Regardless, the amount of healing this can give to a tank or a damage-dealer can easily turn the tide of battle.

3 Revivify

Despite its high spell Level, Revivify (3rd-Level Necromancy) easily trumps other healing Spells as an essential component in any healer’s repertoire. This instantaneous Spell needs Verbal, Somatic, and Material components to cast, and restores a creature that died within the previous minute to 1HP.

Granted, this Spell won’t restore missing limbs or revive someone who died of old age. However, the sheer practicality of this Spell makes it a must-have for any situation. Remember, Players likely still have a few seconds of that minute remaining to heal their fallen ally after combat.

2 Prayer Of Healing

Prayer of Healing serves as one of the best healing spells in any spellcaster’s repertoire, especially considering its wide area of effect. This 2nd-Level Evocation spell (Verbal) works with up to six targets within 30 feet. Granted, the spell needs 10 minutes before casters can invoke its effects. However, when it does work, Prayer of Healing grants the target healing of up to 2d8 + Spellcasting Ability Modifier. Moreover, the healing gets boosted for 1d8 for every higher-level Spell Slot used.

Despite its inefficiency in actual combat, Prayer of Healing becomes a fundamental element of any spellcaster’s arsenal in extended adventures. The party doesn’t always get the opportunity to go back to town or set up a campfire. As such, Prayer of Healing can grant necessary healing that may save the party from looming dangers ahead.

1 Heal

Heal (6th-Level Evocation) seems like such a high-level spell that Healers might not even get to cast it. However, if a campaign allows Healers to reach this level of spellcasting, Heal easily exceeds other healing spells in its usefulness. It takes an action to cast with Verbal and Somatic components. The spell acts instantaneously, restoring 70 Hit Points to any creature within a whopping 60 feet. It also removes any ailments, deafness, and blindness.

The consistent 70 Hit Points that Heal can grant can become a lifesaver for the party. A Wizard can use that 70 HP to get back to battle, while the Barbarian can use that 70 HP to make a last stand for the party.

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen is slated for a December 6, 2022 release.

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