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Many of these have been seen in the myriad of runs content creators like Ludwig, Sykkuno, Stanz and Northernlion have done on their streams, but there are still plenty more that haven’t become part of the meta yet and are just pure fun to try out, as is the case with unique builds in so many other games. In any case, here are some of the most hilarious builds in SAP that can still absolutely get a player to ten wins.

10 Sniper Build: Mow ‘Em Down

The Sniper Build is one of the more well-known examples, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. And, as an added bonus, it’s a great counter to a Dodo+Rooster build or a Turkey+Fly build, the two builds that run the meta currently. And, as any veteran gamers probably know, metas can sometimes ruin games. These builds can have any variation of Pets, such as:

A couple of Dolphins, or a level three Dolphin A Crocodile and Dolphin A Dolphin with a Leopard on top A Snake with a Tiger behind Or, finally, a high-power Leopard with a Tiger behind it.

Players can use any variation of any examples above, but the goal with this build, like any Sniper in any game, is to cause as much destruction as possible before the enemy can react. Whether this is by completely KO’ing the enemies’ most important unit, wasting all their Food items, or ruining their synergy before combat even begins, it doesn’t matter.

9 Multiple Scorpions And/Or The Big Bad Scorpion

Normally, Scorpions (and no, not that Scorpion) are used at the front as a counter to the big tanky unit that the enemy has been scaling up the entirety of their run. And, to be fair, nothing is more satisfying than watching a 1/1 Scorpion take out a 50/50 Bison with Garlic Armor. But, there’s a lot that counters a frontline Scorpion, even something as simple as Melon Armor. To get around that, players have been experimenting with running multiple Scorpions and putting them in odd positions like the second and fourth slot in the team.

Or, alternatively, there are even some people that have been running big Scorpion builds that focus on turning their 1/1 Scorpion into a 50/50. That way, even if the front unit has Melon Armor, the 30 damage that gets through its 20 damage shield will instantly kill the unit anyway.

8 Tiger + Literally Just About Anything = Fun

This entry is pretty much just here to tell people to run Tigers more, and run them behind Pets people wouldn’t expect. For example, what about running a Tiger behind a Whale that eats a Deer? As long as the Whale is in the third slot and the Deer is in the second, the Whale now spits out two Deer instead of one. There’s also:

Tiger + level three Porcupine that deals 12 Damage at the end of a fight. Tiger+ a level three Octopus that now deals 10 damage to all enemies before every hit. Tiger + a level three Skunk to reduce the enemy’s two highest-health animals to one HP.

The Tiger is just a unit that makes the game more fun overall, so don’t be afraid to experiment with it.

7 Microbe In The Middle

The Microbe doesn’t get nearly as much play in Super Auto Pets as it should, and that’s a shame. To be fair, it is an Expansion Pack animal. Look close, and it’s clear that the Microbe is just a better Bat, depending on where it’s placed.

For example, if a player puts their two Melon Armored or Garlic Armored big units in front of the Microbe, and all their weak ones behind it, the big units get to run rampant, while the weak ones get to actually impact the fight by doing three extra damage per hit fight thanks to the Weakness debuff that’s now applied to everyone.

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Or, alternatively, running a Microbe in slot two with a level two Turtle and two bulky units behind it is a fantastic strategy that almost feels like cheating.

6 Self Damage Savant: I Swear I’ll Make Hedgehog Work

Self-Damage Builds are probably the most fun out there to run, with the least chance of success. This is, of course, talking about running Blowfish, Badgers, Hedgehogs, even Elephants. The best combinations fans have found so far are:

Running a level two to three Badger upfront with an Ox that has Melon Armor behind (or alternatively, a Deer/Spider/Eagle). Running a Whale eating a Hedgehog and the rest of the team has Melon Armor or Garlic. Running an incredibly tanky level two Elephant right behind a basic Hedgehog. Then, running a Camel with a level two or three Blowfish behind it for maximum Blowfish Ability triggers.

There are tons of ways to make self-damage Pets work in SAP, they just require a bit of creative thinking.

5 The Fabled Tier-1 Ultra-Unit

This is the forbidden build that everyone gives up on early in favor of getting a nice tier three or four unit to pour all their scaling into. But, what if players spent the first three rounds picking a tier-one to fully focus on?

Be it Fish, Beaver, Mosquito, or even Pig, this build revolves around pumping Apples into the unit early and getting a scaling unit like a Rabbit, Shrimp, Penguin, or Giraffe to make it as big as possible as fast as they can.

4 The Northerlion Special: The Crab Cascade

Crabs ran the SAP meta for a little bit, and there’s a reason for that. Basically, Pet abilities in SAP trigger based on the unit’s power, meaning that a 3/3 Crab’s health stealing ability will trigger after a 5/5 Crab’s has.

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Using this principle, players can build up the health of one unit upfront, then place weaker and weaker crabs behind it, all equipped with meat. The end result is maybe a 30/30 unit up front, with something like three crabs behind, all with 30 health and Meat Bones attached to them.

3 1-Up Fiesta: A Convoy Of Buses

This build idea would be vastly improved running a Turkey+Fly, but that’s not nearly as fun. Basically, the player running this build needs to find a couple of the (family-friendly of course) Mushroom Food items as soon as they start spawning, and it also requires:

A buff Spider An Eagle A level two or three Deer.

Then, players just put the Mushroom on their favorite of the three and place a Tiger behind it. Of course, they can run this build with any variation of multiple Deers, Roosters, or even Crickets depending on the scaling, but the high-level Deer works best simply because of the Splash Damage the Buses innately have.

2 Double Caterpillar + Tier 2 Turtle AKA The Butterfly Loophole

This one is less of a wacky build and more of one that’s just straight-up good. For Expansion Pack users (yes, this game has an Expansion Pack), the idea of running two Caterpillars is a bit of poisonous fruit. Running one is already risky enough, as Caterpillars need time to scale to level three and have bad basic stats. But, running two? That’s just asking to get knocked out at three wins.

That said, if the player manages to hold on, they’ll basically become unstoppable with their Butterfly army that gets Melon Armor.

1 The Chicken “Hail Mary” Build

Lastly, let’s talk about the Chicken Pet, one of the most “slept-on” Pets of the bunch. The Chicken’s ability essentially works like the Dragon’s, but instead of scaling the current team, it scales all current and future Shop Pets as if the player had bought Canned Food.

If all the requirements are met, the Player can then reserve one spot for the Chicken, and another spot for buying and selling tier one units for the rest of the game. Then, when they’re at like six or seven wins, they can literally buy something like 40/40 units from the shop and just slot them into their team. And, luckily, this build does synergize incredibly well with the Dog’s ability, making it much more viable than it would first appear.

Super Auto Pets is available now and free-to-play on both PC and Android Devices.

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