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However, there were a lot more attempted murders in the movie as well. About six major characters seemingly suffer fatal wounds but survive their encounters with the GhostFace attacker/attackers. There is also a dead security guard in the hospital, but he isn’t going to count since his death scene is not shown. Caveats aside, these are the spoiler-filled death rankings in Scream 5.

7 Vince

Vince is the first full kill in Scream 5. He’s related to Stu from the first movie which is revealed later. After leaving the bar, Vince thinks it’s a good idea to go to the bathroom in an alley. That’s when he sees a car blind him while revving up its engine. When Vince goes to investigate, he finds nobody in the car.

After Vince shuts the vehicle off, and bam! A screwdriver is stabbed into his neck. This kill brings up a lot of questions with it. How was the killer able to sneak away from the car unnoticed before Vince got there?

6 Sheriff Judy

The second kill falls on Sheriff Judy who seems to be off duty. Even though a killer is running around town, she thinks it is a good idea to leave her son, Wes, home alone. He does have a taser and other protective moves at his disposal. However, as a mother and a cop, she should know those things may not do anything.

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The killer calls Judy on her way to get sushi, prompting her to swiftly pull a U-turn. Rushing into the house, the killer jumps out of her porch and stabs her to death. Why didn’t she have her gun ready if she thought there was danger?

5 Wes

Shortly after his mom dies, Wes is the next player to fall. He at least gets the dignity of not dying in the shower like so many other clichés in horror movies. He gets dressed and even sets the table for his mom’s arrival.

There are a lot of fake-outs in this scene, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats for the killer to arrive. Eventually, this new Ghostface does appear, giving Wes a nice stab in the neck. It is a brutal scene as the knife is shown going through the skin very realistically. That taser wasn’t able to help Wes after all.

4 Liv

Liv has a very abrupt death. After she discovers Chad’s body, she rushes inside to find Sam holding Mindy, leading to a big confrontation on who is the killer. Everyone is accusing everyone else since there is a lot of suspicion going around. Anyone can be a killer as the rules state.

Eventually, Amber has enough of this round table discussion, pulls out a gun, and shoots Liv in the head. Now, while this isn’t as dramatic as stabbing someone in the neck or chest, it is a highlight above a few others. The bluntness of the kill is very matter of fact, which makes it funny albeit simultaneously depressing.

3 Dewey

Dewey goes out as both a hero and a fool. Surprisingly, it has taken five Scream movies to take Dewey down despite the fact he is almost killed in literally all of them. As he says earlier in the film, he has a lot of nerve damage. He doesn’t think he’ll be of much help to Sam, but he bravely decides to step up anyway.

After confronting the Ghostface in the hospital, he gets a couple of bullets in the killer before retreating with Sam and the others. Why didn’t they all gather together to reveal the killer first? Also, why not put a bullet in his head right away? Dewey should have known better.

2 Richie

Richie seems like he was the mastermind behind this whole ordeal. Sidney’s boyfriend Billy was one of the killers in the first Scream​​​​​​, just like Sam’s boyfriend Richie was a killer in this new movie. 2022’s Scream pays homage to the original. His accomplice, Amber, was seemingly just a follower, essentially being the Stu to Richie’s Billy.

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Richie acts rather confidently when he reveals himself to Sam, Sidney, and Gale. That’s why it’s so great when he gets his comeuppance shortly after via Sam stabbing him uncontrollably in the chest. Her final line to him is great. “Never f*** with the daughter of a serial killer.” It’s a very meta moment.

1 Amber

Amber’s demise is slightly above Richie’s because she gets multiple deaths. First, Sidney and Gale get the upper hand on her in a fight. They smack her with hand sanitizer and then use the stove to light Amber on fire. “Enjoy that torch.” That’s what Gale says to Amber’s body after the villain’s monologue about wising to get the torch passed on as the protagonist of the Scream series from Sidney. It’s a good burn to Amber, literally.

Later on, Amber returns from the dead, as one of the killers always does, before being put down a final time via a bullet to the brain. It is a satisfying death.

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