Taurus and Virgo are both marriage-minded, although it might be a while before you hear wedding bells—they both like to take it slow and build a solid foundation.

Both Virgos and Capricorns crave success, but Virgo doesn’t always have the confidence to go after his goals. Capricorn can help him with this. When they work as a team, they’re unstoppable.

Cancer can be slow to open up, but a Virgo guy is self-assured and patient. He understands the crab’s reluctance to trust people immediately because he takes relationships seriously too.

Scorpio values control and wants to be on top of whatever’s going on in their life. This appeals to the organized and methodical Virgo guy who appreciates order and discipline.

It’s easy for this relationship to become stagnant if neither is willing to shake things up from time to time. Planning a standing date night can help keep things fresh.

These two will be fine as long as they open up emotionally. If they understand and appreciate each other’s differences they can find a balance that works.

Since both Gemini and Virgo are mutable signs, though, they’re both flexible. As long as they’re open and honest with each other, they have the potential to build a relationship that works.

Since they’re both ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, they’ll always be able to talk things out. The toughest issue is just them being too hard on each other.

Aquarians also tend to look for someone who’s different and edgy. A Virgo guy wants to stay about as far away from the edge as he can, so Aquarius probably won’t be very interested in him.

Because they have so little in common, it’s pretty unlikely these two will naturally cross paths. When they do, it’s hard for them to connect on more than a superficial level.

Virgo tends to distrust compliments himself, so Leo is likely to end up disappointed if they pay him a compliment in the hopes of getting one in return.

Depending on their individual personalities, Aries and Virgo might find a way to make a relationship work as a bit of an odd couple—but only if Aries is willing to control their impulses and let Virgo take charge of the planning.