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With so many characters, there are also the beloved team-ups, like the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy; smaller than that, there are duos that stand out as some of the most beloved pairs in all the films and shows. There are two characters that fit into the dynamic duo concept so often in the MCU, and fans all alike love them.

11 Falcon And The Winter Soldier

These two Avengers were both one of Steve Rodgers’ best friends. Bucky is Steve’s best friend from way back when they first were enlisted into the military, and Sam helped Steve adapt to the modern world upon being freed from the ice.

After Steve was gone, the two embarked in a comedic, antagonistic, and brotherly team-up for their own show. The two had a hard time working together at first, but eventually they formed a bond that fans will forever appreciate on the big screen.

10 Groot And Rocket

While the Guardians all as a team have a very colorful, complicated, and energetic relationship, Groot and Rocket arguably have the closest bond together out of all of them. From the very first Guardians movie, Groot and Rocket were both already together.

The talking raccoon, Rocket wanted to chase after money, and it seemed as if Groot really just enjoyed being with Rocket. After Groot died and was reborn, Rocket took it upon himself to act as if he was Groot’s father, which made for a heartwarming dynamic.

9 Spider-Man And Iron Man

One of the most appreciated duos in all of MCU, is the mentor-trainee bond between Peter Parker and Tony Stark. The unfathomably rich Tony first acquainted himself with Peter during Civil War, and ever since then, has acted as Peter’s mentor. From what any audience would notice, Peter looks up to Tony a lot, and definitely has some father-figure dynamics mixed in with that.

Fans found it incredibly heartbreaking when Tony was dying, having saved half of the universe, and Peter could do nothing but sit next to him. These two have been through a lot together, and Peter will carry on Tony’s legacy through Spider-Man.

8 Kate Bishop And Clint Barton

In the Hawkeye show, fans get to see the wonderful Hawkeye duo between Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, who work incredibly well together. Kate brings a sense of humor and satirical dynamic that Clint was in dire need of, being all serious and tense.

The two different personalities work surprisingly well together, and Clint definitely has some mentorship going on with Kate, after he finally accepts that she work with him, of course. Clint and Kate going throughout their mission through a Christmas-ready New York is something fans will never forget.

7 Loki And Mobius

Loki finally got his individual spotlight in the show, respectively named, Loki. After Loki was taken into the TVA, Mobius, who worked there, started to form a bond with Loki. Mobius was an expert in Loki, as he’s seen many variants come though, each with the same back-stabbing characteristic.

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This time though, Loki actually formed a genuine friendship with Mobius, and the two eventually went on to help each other through the wildly false TVA organization. Fans only hope to see the two together once more, and that Mobius gets his jet-ski.

6 Wong And Madisynn

Wong has been met with many appearances in Phase 4 of the MCU, and in each one, he has built a fantastic relationship with different characters. Wong and Strange for example, have a wonderful coworker-esque relationship that fans enjoy.

One duo that Wong resides in though, stands out to be one of the most well received. Wong and Madisynn, who met in She-Hulk, were brought together by coincidence and forged an amazing bond. Whether the two are Platonic or not, they make for a wonderful duo, and Wong has a friend to watch The Sopranos with.

5 Spider-Man And Ned

A best-friend duo is a dynamic that any adaptation of Spider-Man will always inhibit. In the MCU’s case, it stands no different; Peter Parker has a best friend, who isn’t Harry Osborne this time. Instead, it’s the fan favorite Ned Leeds!

Peter and Ned have been shown in the MCU’s first Spider-Man trilogy to have a very impactful friendship with each other. They would hang out and do classic teenage nerd activities together, like building the Lego Death Star. Fans can only hope that the two can reprise their friendship after Peter had to sacrifice his girlfriend and best friend to save the world.

4 Shang-Chi And Katy

From the very beginning of Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings, fans got to watch Shang-Chi and Katy in their normal lives. The two were amazingly satirical best friends, and Katy worked great with “Sean.”

Even after Shang-Chi was called into a mission to fight back against his father, Katy, who was just an average person, decided to go with him. The support system these two have built up with each other is incredibly durable, as even Katy helps Shang-Chi fight against his father using a bow in the very last fight.

3 Hawkeye And Black Widow

One of the earliest developed MCU duos, is the sneaky Black Widow, and sharpshooter Hawkeye. The two have implied a long-time friendship from their very first on-screen appearance together, as their conversations state that they have done missions together in the past.

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They also seem to have a very heartfelt connection, even when not explicitly verbalized. It seems Clint Barton even knew of Natasha Romanoff’s secrets, from the horrible Red Room facility. The two had an emotional moment when it came to the Soul Stone, and fans will never forget the impact that the incident left.

2 Marc Specter And Stephen

In the wildly twisting Moon Knight show on Disney+, fans are introduced to Marc Specter, who has dissociative identity disorder. This means he has different personalities he unwillingly turns to. Stephen Grant is Marc’s other personality, which fans will soon learn he developed from the death of his brother, and heavy abuse in childhood.

After the two realize they “exist” in the same body, they form a unique bond that will leave the audience crying, laughing, and forever hoping to see them in the future. Oscar Issac did a wonderful job playing the two different personalities.

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