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Luckily, EU 4 isn’t lacking in mods on the Steam Workshop. A dizzying array of selections are available that overhaul both large and small aspects of the gameplay. When looking to spice up the next playthrough, players can’t go wrong with installing these excellent add-ons. Best of all, downloading them is as easy as clicking the “Subscribe” button on the Steam Workshop.

Updated January 5, 2022 by Mark Hospodar: Europa Universalis 4 is a game where players can easily expend hours improving and expanding their selected country. With plenty of DLC on offer, there’s no shortage of ways to spend one’s time in the world of EU 4.

Even the best games can potentially become stale, however. Fortunately, EU 4 doesn’t lack a vast collection of stellar mods to help keep the gameplay fresh. A few more mods have been added to the list to ensure players keep coming back for more in this addicting grand strategy epic.

13 Anbennar: A Fantasy Total Conversion Mod

Like most games developed by Paradox, the collection of mods available for EU 4 runs the gamut from historical immersion to high fantasy. Regarding the latter, Anbennar: A Fantasy Total Conversion Mod should satisfy fans who prefer to see more elves and warlocks in their grand strategy games.

Players of Dungeons & Dragons will find themselves right at home with this mod. With plenty of magic and other arcane arts at one’s disposal, it’s up to players to decide whether or not to be a force of good or evil. Fans can even start their own adventuring company before settling down to found a new nation. For fantasy addicts, this mod is certainly worth a try!

12 Road To Revived History: Renewed

It’s not a stretch to assume that many history buffs play games like EU 4 because of the historical immersion. Nevertheless, games can only take historical accuracy so far. Luckily, for fans who love the attention to detail, mods are a great way to extend that immersion beyond the limits of the vanilla game.

Road to Revived History: Renewed takes a crack at altering the behavior of the AI to make it behave more historically. For example, colonization becomes a much slower process and is more akin to how it played out in real life. As such, nations won’t amass significant colonial possessions overnight, as in the picture above.

11 MEIOU & Taxes

All-in-one overhaul mods are usually safe bets for beginners looking to test the waters of the modding community. MEIOU and Taxes brings several things to the table, including new provinces/nations, a revamped trading system, overhauled graphics, and much more. Check out the mod’s wiki page for a full list of features.

10 Extended Timeline

Players have a lot of time with which to achieve their goals in EU 4. The vanilla timeline runs from 1444 to 1821, giving fans 377 years to scheme and conquer their way to the top. However, maybe three centuries still isn’t enough time for some players.

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The Extended Timeline mod certainly lives up to its name. It extends the game’s timeline to the year 9999, while also giving fans the option to start playing in 2 AD. Over 500 new countries are also added to reflect the state of the world at any given date. Never want the game to end? Give this mod a try!

9 Graphical Map Improvements

As a grand strategy game, players will inevitably spend a great deal of time looking at the map in EU 4. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the game’s vanilla map, but there’s certainly some room for improvement.

Graphical Map Improvements is the quintessential map mod for the game. It tweaks a variety of effects regarding the map’s presentation. The mod adds HS textures, along with a clearer font for country names and more distinguishable borders. It creates an all-around experience that’s easier on the eyes.

8 Updated Flag Improvement Pack

As with the game map, players will also spend a large amount of time staring at the various national flags that populate EU 4. It may seem like a small detail, but giving these flags some extra panache helps give the overall aesthetic more character.

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Although the changes are subjective, some players may appreciate the overhauled look of the banners in the Updated Flag Improvement Pack. When trying to give the game’s visuals a different appearance, the flags are a good place to start.

7 Veritas Et Fortitudo

If fans ever get tired of the vanilla gameplay mechanics of EU 4, then a comprehensive overhaul mod is just the ticket. Better yet, an overhaul mod that also incorporates even more immersion into the game is the ideal choice.

Veritas Et Fortitudo fulfills both of those functions. It’s an enormous overhaul mod that allows players even greater control over their realms. Almost every aspect of the gameplay is altered in some manner, providing a richer and more complex strategy experience.

6 Voltaire’s Nightmare II

When discussing excellent overhaul/immersion mods for EU 4, it’s hard not to mention Voltaire’s Nightmare II. In a similar vein to the previous mod, Voltaire’s Nightmare II provides an almost unmatched level of added realism to the base game.

This mod primarily focuses on the European continent. It includes an altered timeline that spans from 1054 to 1871 and incorporates hundreds of new countries and thousands of provinces to reflect the new timeline. New government types, ages, cultures, religions, national ideas, missions, and flavor events are just some of the new features that compose Voltaire’s Nightmare II.

5 Game Of Thrones

Of course, extra layers of historical accuracy may not be for everybody. The nature of games developed by Paradox Interactive makes them ripe for total conversion mods. Fantasy settings, naturally, tend to be at the forefront of these types of mods.

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Fans of George R. R. Martin should definitely check out the Game of Thrones mod for EU 4. Set in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, players can look forward to leading their favorite Westerosi nations to ultimate victory using the EU 4 game engine. Plenty of intrigue and action awaits!

4 Elder Scrolls Universalis

As stated previously, mods that take place within a fantasy setting tend to be popular. Video games, much like literature, possess a wide array of memorable fantasy settings. The Elder Scrolls is one such example of a beloved fantasy world.

With Elder Scrolls Universalis, players can put their nation-building skills to good use in Tamriel. Everything in the base game is overhauled to fit the new setting, including religions, cultures, events, and much more. Becoming the Emperor of Tamriel never felt so satisfying.

3 Imperium Universalis

Imperium Universalis is another total conversion mod worth mentioning. This mod is unique in that its primary focus is geared towards the ancient world, specifically the 7th century BC. For ancient history buffs, this mod offers enough to satisfy their interests.

The features of Imperium Universalis mirror the altered timeline. New development mechanics, special units, and technologies serve to immerse the player in this Bronze Age epic. If the familiar setting of EU 4 becomes too tiresome, Imperium Universalis is a noteworthy alternative.

2 Governments Expanded

In EU 4, government type plays an important role in the functioning of a particular state. After a couple of playthroughs, fans likely won’t have much trouble understanding the characteristics that compose each type of government in the game.

Governments Expanded adds much-needed flavor to the proceedings by offering more than 275 new government reforms to EU 4. Best of all, many of the major nations, such as France and the Ottoman Empire, receive their own unique reforms. As such, it makes playing as a particular country feel more different from the rest.

1 Missions Expanded

Missions in EU 4 provide players with a roadmap for how their countries should progress. Some Missions are generic, while others are unique to a particular country, culture, or religion. They provide a lot of flavor to the game, so adding more is always great.

The aptly titled Missions Expanded mod adds over 300 Mission Trees to the game, along with new starting bookmarks. Many formable nations also get their own Mission Trees with this mod, which helps make every country feel a little more exclusive.

Europa Universalis 4 is currently available on PC.

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