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Despite Slay the Spire’s almost-unknown modding community, there are numerous mods out there that make the game just a bit better, larger in terms of content, or even more varied in character selection. The top-tier mods are determined by the amount of content, replayability potential, and how well they fit with the base game.

Updated November 3, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra:Slay the Spire is an imaginative combination of both the card game and roguelike genre, leading to a rather unique experience that many fans still love playing to this day.

As is the case with most roguelikes, the title can be slightly challenging early on, but players who take their time to learn the systems of Slay the Spire will be rewarded with one of the deepest and most satisfying titles to come out in recent memory. This enjoyment can be enhanced with the use of mods, and the best ones of the lot are mentioned below.

20 The Duelist

There are many characters that players can check out in Slay the Spire. However, after a point, players might realize that they’ve exhausted the wealth of content available in this department.

This is where character mods come into the picture, allowing players to experiment with unique classes that do a great job of enhancing the title’s replayability. The Duelist mod is particularly unique in this regard since it adds Yugi Moto from Yu-Gi-Oh! into the game.

19 Achievement Enabler

One of the most annoying things about using mods in any mainstream video game is the fact that the game disables mods if players take this particular route. While this is an understandable course of action to take, it still causes a ton of frustration from the player’s end.

This is where the Achievement Enabler mod comes into the picture. True to its name, it lets Slay the Spire players enjoy the benefits of achievements even after they use mods in the game!

18 Shop Mod

There are many items that players gather during one run in Slay the Spire. However, not all of them may be worth it, which is where the Shop Mod comes into the picture. This mod adds a Merchant’s Rug that players can buy in the game. It lets them set up shop and sell any unnecessary potions or relics that might be clogging up their inventory.

17 Colored Powertips

Enemies get many buffs and debuffs in Slay the Spire, making it important to switch strategies on the fly depending on these effects. However, as players download more and more complex mods, it can be hard to differentiate between the two.

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The Colored Powertips mod takes care of this issue by adding a green color to buffs and red for debuffs. It might seem like a simple mod, but players who have too many mods will find the gameplay to be way less strenuous once they have a clear idea about the effects on a particular enemy.

16 The Runesmith

Another modded character makes their way on the list in the form of the Runesmith. This character can use runes in battle and upgrade their cards for more damage.

Suffice it to say, players who might be bored of the vanilla characters in the game will have a great time playing as the Runesmith. This character might seem rather unwieldy, but using her buffs properly can help the Runesmith dish out some serious damage indeed.

15 Replay The Spire

Replay the Spire is a hefty content mod with additions that range from new items, cards, and rooms to new bosses and enemies. Players can best appreciate this mod with a heaping helping of others on the Steam Workshop.

Replay the Spire has crossover features, as well as full support for many other mods on this list. Players can find a full list of supported mods on the Workshop page. The mod is among one of the best for any game and makes itself appreciated in the Slay the Spire community

14 Marisa

Marisa is one of the best character mods currently available, combining a high level of polish and balance with a common, beautiful aesthetic. The cards themselves are based on the series and make this one of the most easily accessible fan mods based on this series in any game.

Many are afraid to try mods based on this series, but those who try it are never disappointed. The developers are active and responsive, making this also a safe bet to invest time into for those who want to support good development teams.

13 The Necromancer

There are many exciting mods to look forward to in Slay the Spire, in varying degrees of polish and execution. Yet, the Necromancer shows remarkable promise as a summoner character class that works off of debuffs applied by minions. A buff-focused character is new to Slay the Spire, and this mod makes it work.

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Despite some of the workarounds needed to make friendly minions viable in Slay the Spire, the Necromancer is polished. With a bit more work, it could become a fantastic addition to an already stellar modding community.

12 Mod The Spire

No modding community is truly great without a mod loader to make the mods playable. Slay the Spire is no exception. Thus, Mod the Spire arrives on the scene to make these mods work in tandem with each other.

Despite not being a true mod in and of itself, no mod is possible without this expertly written program. The Slay the Spire community clearly appreciates the work of this mod loader, as it currently ranks number 1 on the Steam workshop for this game.

11 The Bug Knight

Mods can create crossovers that everyone wishes could happen under normal circumstances, and The Bug Knight certainly fills that category. The Bug Knight takes inspiration from Hollow Knight, a Metroidvania classic with a lot to offer in terms of characters to use for modding.

In addition to an excellent base for a mod, The Bug Knight is exceptionally polished and adds many new mechanics, some of which are unprecedented in other mods or the base game. Hollow Knight may be able to conquer his own game, but can he conquer the spire?

10 Spire With Friends

Has anyone not wondered and wished that their favorite single-player game was multiplayer? Modding communities have made this happen for many games, including Slay the Spire. With Spire with Friends, the Spire becomes accessible to multiple people at a time.

Players can either tackle the classic roguelike together or fight each other in versus mode. Either way, this mod is truly a blast to play and an inspiring innovation to the game as a whole.

9 Downfall

Downfall is an interesting case of role reversal and the numerous people who have made this mod possible clearly show their passion for the game in this interesting take on Slay the Spire. This mod allows players to take on the adventurers climbing the spire in defense of their home. It also makes new characters out of each boss in the game.

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Downfall also provides a general expansion to the content of the game. It brings six new heroes, numerous items, and other features to flesh out the Slay the Spire experience.

8 The Cursed

There are a lot of character mods out there for Slay The Spire, and each one fulfills a distinct purpose in relation to the base game. However, only a few take advantage of the curse mechanic. This group of cards clogs up unfortunate players’ decks and gives negative debuffs, making the game more difficult.

The character mod for The Cursed adds a character that takes advantage of this, as well as a whole new set of relics and cards to accompany him. Not only is the character well-balanced but the art and polish are also phenomenal.

7 The Servant

There are many Slay the Spire mods dedicated to recreating characters from other games in the setting of this card battler roguelike. The prime topic of these is usually Touhou, a bullet-hell arcade game, and The Servant takes heavy inspiration from this.

Some shy away from trying the mod based on its topic. However, The Servant busts through any preconceptions of what the genre is about. It creates an extremely compelling character, both thematically and design-wise.

6 Minty Spire

While the base Slay the Spire experience is praiseworthy, it still has many quality-of-life issues that need addressing. Minty Spire, a compilation of various changes, helps make the game more accessible, easy to learn, and a smoother experience overall.

Certain relics are more clear, show their effects faster, and are more visible during each run. Additionally, outside of combat, the map is easier to navigate in relation to relics, and the new minimap feature. Overall, this mod is a must-have for new players.

5 Conspire

With many characters to choose from in Slay the Spire, why not add more enemies to balance out the challenge? Conspire fixes that issue, adding more enemies, relics, and cards to the base game. New simple equipment that is created in creative ways can outshine the effects of similar, but fancy, effects.

Conspire capitalizes on cards and ideas that are barely seen in the base game, such as converting attack damage to poison or dealing damage when defenses are broken. These ideas are simple, but executed correctly can create a truly exceptional mod.

4 The Animator

In addition to adding a new character, The Animator takes a bold step forward and adds different expansions of cards based on anime. Players who are new to this mod can select any of the expansions, just a few, or maybe only one.

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These cards are well-balanced, and their special abilities reflect their anime of origin. Fans of anime will find this set of cards and relics one of the best and most easily accessible add-ons to the game. These cards are added by the mod to each of the three classes, even complimenting the kit of the stoic ironclad.

3 The Disciple

The Disciple is a character mod themed around the Time-Eater boss of act 3. Certain decks struggle against this boss, but his gimmick is very interesting. He restricts card plays every turn, and heals himself to counter damage.

The Disciple takes full advantage of this idea to create a balanced and compelling character. Many of the best classes in Slay the Spire focus on one or two aspects of play, such as armor or card plays. The Disciple is no different, bringing with it excellent design and a well-made theme.

2 Highlight Paths

Sometimes, a mod does not need to be complex to accomplish its goal. Many character mods fail to realize this, but Highlight Paths takes that philosophy and adds a simple and effective means of planning each run. It allows the player to mark out and plan on the map before ascending, creating a sequence of rooms that is easier to remember and very quick to modify.

This feature should have been in the base game, but this mod adds it for the sole purpose of allowing players the freedom to plan and strategize.

1 Hubris

With a healthy amount of crossover content with other mods, Hubris is potentially one of the best content mods out there for the game. It adds many new and interesting relics, several new cards to existing classes, as well as new bosses and events.

This might not seem like a huge amount, but the mod is incredibly well-polished and balanced. It is an excellent addition to anyone’s game, especially for players who want a mod that focuses on adding on to vanilla content.

Slay the Spire is currently available on PC, macOS, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Mobile, and Linux.

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