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Vermintide 2is a cooperative-focused experience that has players using all manner of magic and medieval weaponry to chop up rat-men. It’s gory, straightforward, and fairly reminiscent of Left 4 Dead. Vermintide 2 mods have a way of ironing out the problems and adding new dimensions to the game. All of the following Vermintide 2 mods can be found on the Steam Workshop.
Updated January 7, 2022 by Josh Davison: Warhammer: Vermintide 2 has proven to be a game with a seemingly endless lifespan and replayability for its devoted fanbase. The nonstop action set in the ever-popular Warhammer universe brings fun and delight for those looking for a brutal experience that entails slaying endless hordes of rat-creatures with magic and Medieval-inspired weaponry. Of course, the quality of life for a PC game is often greatly helped by a devoted modding community, and Vermintide 2 thankfully has one.
Vermintide 2 mods have done everything from tweaking some of the game’s shortcomings, adding references to other parts of Warhammer lore, and inserting new gameplay mechanics for players to enjoy. Vermintide 2 mods are varied and useful, and there is always more to find back on the Steam Workshop.
18 Numeric UI Makes The Display More Useful With Hard Numbers
Sometimes a seemingly minor alteration can make a major difference for a videogame, and this is true with many Vermintide 2 mods. Such is the case for the Numeric UI mod from Necrossin and Milbor in particular. It changes the HUD of the game to have more numeric values to make information clearer for the player.
As it is, health, ammo, and cooldown timers don’t give hard numbers to keep the player abreast of their character’s status, and the Numeric UI mod rectifies all of this by providing actual number values to these as well as status icons for “Last Life” and “Natural Bond.” This mod does require the Vermintide Mod Framework to operate (which will be discussed later in this list).
17 Different Bots Improves And Alters Your Allies’ AI
There is no perfect AI in a video game. Even some of the most lauded AI frameworks used in games like Last of Us or Shadow of Mordor have some degree of issue. Unfortunately, this is also true with the friendly AI’s in Vermintide 2. This is another issue that can be tweaked and improved through Vermintide 2 mods. In this case, aid comes in the form of the Different Bots mod by VernonKun.
This mod alters the AI of the friendly characters so that they are less likely to get in the player’s way in combat, improves path learning so they’re less likely to get stuck, improves their aiming and dodging, and does several other things to make the friendly AI-controlled characters better, smarter, and more helpful.
16 The Disc Of Tzeentch Gives The Player A Nice Ride
The Disc of Tzeentch from Crunch, dalo_kraff, Raindish, and Craven adds a vehicle for the player to enjoy courtesy of the Chaos God Tzeentch. For the uninitiated, Tzeentch is a daemonic god who specializes in elaborate and vicious schemes made to turn mortals against one another and increase his own immense power.
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The Disc of Tzeentch is a flying disc that allows the player to glide at faster speeds across the landscape of Vermintide 2. It is a swift and enjoyable way of moving through the rat-ridden world, and it’s the kind of general fun that can be added to the game through Vermintide 2 mods.
15 Super Vortex Changes The Blightstormer’s Vortex
The Super Vortex mod alters the Blightstormer’s wind spell so that it picks up all enemies instead of just a select few. As it is and without any Vermintide 2 mods, the Blightstormer’s attack only affects players and enemies excluding Chaos Warriors, the Monster mini-bosses, and proper bosses. With this mod, it will affect those heavyweight enemies as well.
This adds a bit more chaos to the already hectic gameplay experience of Vermintide 2 and is a welcome addition to anyone who wants to change things up a bit. This mod was designed by Steam Workshop user raindish.
14 Zealot - Chaos Wastes Improvement Allows The Zealot To Show Their Devotion
This is among the Vermintide 2 mods that amp up the difficulty a little bit for a player, but, in doing so, it also allows them to roleplay a bit if they know some of the background lore to the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar fantasy universe. This one is called the Zealot - Chaos Wastes Improvement mod.
This mod makes it so that the Zealot class cannot pick up boons in the Chaos Wastes portion of the map. This is to show how stalwart the Zealot is in their beliefs, as they would not pick up any “boons” that the forces of Chaos would offer them. This mod comes from user Prismism.
13 Bardin’s Scoreboard Adds A Bit Of Flavor To The UI
Bardin is the Dwarf member of the Vermintide 2 crew, and, as is often the case with Dwarves in fantasy, is the character with one of the loudest and most boisterous personalities of the bunch.
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This mod aims to capture Bardin’s personality and change up the scoreboards at the end of each chapter to reflect Bardin’s view of the world. Bardin’s Scoreboard is a funny alteration to the game that adds phrases like “Vengeance Struck” and “Umgak Weapon Mishaps” to the scoreboard screen. This one comes from modder KrazedKirb.
12 Toss Me Allows The Player To Recreate An Unforgettable Two Towers Scene
The Toss Me mod takes inspiration from an unforgettable scene in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers during the Battle of Helm’s Deep. When Aragorn and Gimli are attempting to hold off the Uruk-Hai from entering the keep, they drop on the hordes from above. However, Gimli is too short to make the jump, so tells Aragorn, “toss me.”
This mod allows players to “toss” Bardin at a 45-degree incline in whatever direction Bardin is already facing. In addition to being hilarious, it does allow the player to send Bardin into the thick of things and mix things up with the unending hordes of Chaos. This one comes from Steam user Alexander.
11 Dark Elf Dagger Adds A Sweet New Model To The Game
The Dark Elf Dagger mod replaces an asset in the game with something else from the Age of Sigmar side of the Warhammer universe. It specifically changes Daith’s Throatslitters to resemble the Dark Elf daggers from Total War: Warhammer II game.
There are plenty of Vermintide 2 mods that add cool community-created assets such as this. The Dark Elf Dagger mod weapons look fantastic and were designed by Steam user Crunch. The mod comes courtesy of Crunch and dalo_kraff.
10 Vermintide Mod Framework Is The Ideal Foundation For Additional Mods
This first mod is actually an open-source modding platform from the Steam Workshop modding community for Vermintide 2. It provides an array of Vermintide 2 mods while giving new creators tools to come up with their own mods for the game.
Several games have modding platforms like this, such as Minecraft Forge, and they are almost always a boon for the modding community. Whether a player is looking to create mods of their own or is on the hunt for the latest fun mods for the game, the Vermintide Mod Framework is a good start.
9 Friendly Fire Indicator Keeps Players From Fragging Their Teammates
Next up is a fairly basic idea that, nonetheless, is incredibly useful for a Vermintide 2 player. It is a friendly-fire indicator that tells a player when they are taking damage from an ally. It changes the damage indicator to a dark green when the player is being hit by another player.
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There are still some bugs in this mod, but it’s still a useful tool in its current state. It can also be further customized to filter out certain area of effect abilities.
8 Berserk Sword & Helmet Drops In A Bit Of Guts Into Warhammer
This mod adds the iconic helmet and sword of the protagonist, Guts, from the popular manga and anime, Berserk, to Warhammer: Vermintide 2. This addition replaces the Kruber’s Executioner Swords with Guts’ Dragon Slayer and the base Foot Knight helmet with Guts’ helmet.
This is purely an aesthetic mod and doesn’t change anything from the raw gameplay. As fun as it would be to just actually be Guts in a game like Vermintide 2, that’s not currently an option, even with Vermintide 2 mods.
7 Mythical Vanguard Amps Up The Deadliness Of The Vermintide Hordes
Mythical Vanguard is a difficulty upgrade for Warhammer: Vermintide 2. It boosts all enemies down the line, replaces Slave Rates with Clanrats, and Clanrats with Stormvermin, and Special enemies with bosses. It’s an insanely high level of difficulty for players and is only for those looking for a new level of challenge in Vermintide.
This mod had an iteration in the first Vermintide and was called the Stormvermin Mutation, and Mythical Vanguard is the same idea transposed onto Vermintide 2.
6 Onslaught Drowns The Player In A Tidal Wave Of Foes
This is another one of the difficulty-focused Vermintide 2 mods from the same creator of Mythical Vanguard, but it takes a different approach to increase the difficulty of Vermintide 2. Unlike Mythical Vanguard, Onslaught firstly increases the number of enemies that the player faces throughout the world. It also changes what can be found in any given horde, throwing a few elite enemies in there for some extra spice.
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It also changes every event in the game to make each one unique from the others. This is a more comprehensive mod that tries to add a shot of adrenaline to the game for those players that may be getting tired of the vanilla Vermintide 2 and want new ways to fight fantasy monsters.
5 Seeded Expedition Map Gives The Player Customization Options
This mod allows players to predetermine the paths they will take throughout an expedition in Vermintide 2. Generated paths are generally up to chance as well as players voting on the path they will take. With the Seeded Expedition Map mod, players can curate their own experience and customize their path.
In a game like Vermintide 2, chaos and the unexpected are one of the main points, but giving player’s a choice in such matters is always a bonus, and it’s possible through Vermintide 2 mods.
4 Bobblehead Is Always A Fun Way To Give A Game Some Humor
“Big-head mode” is always a popular choice in the modding scene. It’s often been a cheat code in past videogames, and, thankfully, the idea has been brought to Vermintide 2 with the Bobblehead mod. All player characters, as well as enemies, can have enormous noggins thanks to this mod.
It’s largely an aesthetic mod, but it is also technically a mod that changes difficulty. It makes headshots far easier, and that’s sometimes just plain satisfying.
3 Vermintide: Reloaded Turns This Fantasy Game Into A Shooter
Vermintide: Reloaded turns Vermintide 2 into something of a bullet-hell shooter. The ranged weapons of the original game otherwise have very limited ammunition, and the game focuses on melee combat. However, Vermintide: Reloaded gives each weapon unlimited ammunition and makes them shoot faster when overheated.
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This generally will make Vermintide 2 an easier game to play, but it’s still a worthwhile alteration to the game that can make it a completely different experience.
2 Campaign Threads The Vermintide Stories Together
Each expedition in Vermintide 2 is an isolated adventure that has an overall story, but the expeditions are still separated and noncontinuous, much like Left 4 Dead. The Campaign mod changes it so that the Vermintide 2 story is a persistent campaign with health, ammo, items, and cooldowns remaining through each level throughout.
This mod does require the DLCs for Vermintide 2, as they are included in the full campaign. This is definitely a worthwhile mod, as it makes the Vermintide 2 story feel more cohesive and enveloping.
1 Super-Tide Weds Warhammer Fantasy To Superhot
The Super-Tide mod transforms Vermintide 2 to play like the FPS, Superhot. The gameplay is completely changed so that the progression of time is tied to the player’s movement. Other elements in the game are virtually frozen until the player character makes a move.
This is the kind of modding that can really make a game come alive in a different way. Injecting one games’ mechanics into another game isn’t easy, but it can create an experience completely unique from either of the prior games. Again, it’s only possible through the community around Vermintide 2 mods.
Warhammer: Vermintide 2is currently available on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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