Like all classes in Diablo Immortal, Monks have unique abilities that users can switch around to create class builds. Usually, builds come in two flavors: PvE and PvP.

The best Monk builds in Diablo Immortal tend to capitalize on their innate crowd control and support while still dealing considerable damage. That goes for PvE and PvP.

Diablo Immortal: Most potent PvP, PvE Monk builds


Should players participate in solo and group content in Diablo Immortal — solo farming, raids, dungeons, and Elder Rifts — arguably the most effective and best Monk build is the Exploding Palm build. There are several variations, but the core remains the same: Exploding Palm and Cyclone Strike. Everything else is used to enhance its effectiveness.

Fists of Thunder: Fists of Thunder has good damage, but it’s the secondary effects that matter most. Firstly, it teleports you to enemies. Lastly, it grants an absorption shield. Exploding Palm: The build’s primary source of damage. If enemies die from the bleeding effect, they explode and deal AOE damage. It has two charges. Seven-Sided Strike: Great damage-dealing ability to help widdle down enemy health. Cyclone Strike: Use to group enemies together. Mystic Allies: Summons two spirits that help you fight.

To use this build effectively:

Step 1: Gather enemies with Cyclone Strike. Step 2: Cast Exploding Palm. Summon Mystic Allies. Step 3: Use Seven-Sided Strike. Clean up with Fists of Thunder until other abilities are off cooldown.

Gamers can also try swapping Seven-Sided Strike for Mystic Strike if mobility or speedrunning is a concern. There’s some argument to be made for switching Cyclone Strike for Mystic Strike instead.


It comes as no surprise that the Exploding Palm build is equally strong in Diablo Immortal’s PvP content as well. However, the core does see a change.

Compared to its PvE variant, Cyclone Strike and Mystic Allies are replaced with Imprisoned Fist and Shield of Zen.

Fists of Thunder: An excellent ability to start the combo. Use this to position yourself in the face of your enemy. Also, the absorption shield is perfect for mitigating the damage you’ll no doubt take. Exploding Palm: Deals significant AOE damage and causes bleeding. Seven-Sided Strike: Not only is Seven-Sided Strike great for damage, but you’ll also be untargetable while the animation plays out. Imprisoned Fist: An excellent source of crowd control. Immobilizes enemies for 5 seconds. Shield of Zen: Another absorption shield, but one that can be used on you and an ally. Also guards against loss of control of your character.

To use this build effectively:

Step 1: Open with Exploding Palm, then cast Imprisoned Fist. Step 2: Apply Shield of Zen. Step 3: Get in a few free Fists of Thunder, then use Seven-Sided Strike.

Another tip to remember is that Shield of Zen can also be used as an escape tool. The Monk will dash to that target whenever Shield of Zen is used on an ally.

Note: This article solely reflects the writer’s opinions.

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