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Some of these monsters are useful for their brute strength or blinding speed, while others learn debilitating moves that strip away enemy defenses and leave them vulnerable to further attack. Every monster has its strengths, but only a few stand out as the best that players can form a pact with.

8 Hooclaw

Hooclaw is one of the first monster players can start their adventure with, and just like the starters in a Pokemon game, it’s one of the most useful monsters to have on hand. Hooclaw might have lower than average defenses, but it makes up for it with high speed and attack power.

Hooclaw also learns a couple of powerful attacks outside its own type that make it a versatile option to throw out in battle. Envelop is an Unstable-type attack that not only has an advantage over Relentless-type monsters but also lowers the opponent’s defense by 10 percent.

7 Canite

Canite is a fierce monster that can be found in the deserts around Crossroads town, but players should keep an eye out for its more potent alternate forms as well. A Brute-type monster, Canite has a well-rounded set of stats but is most notable for its high speed.

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Canite also learns a variety of attacks that dish out damage or boost the monster’s already respectable stats. It’s a useful monster for breeding, as it can pass on these useful attacks and above-average stats to a subsequent generation of monsters.

6 Hermes

Hermes is a spritely little monster living in the Undergrowth Pass that packs a surprising punch. It can learn a host of extremely powerful moves and boasts incredibly high speed and attack stats that aren’t offset by lower than normal defenses.

Bolt Strike delivers a large burst of damage to enemy monsters and is one the strongest Relentless-type attacks in the game, while Chisel is a useful technique for bypassing enemy defenses to deliver a solid blow.

5 Vera

This Will-type monster can be found as a boss in the Undergrowth Pass, and is easily one of the strongest monsters players can form a pact within the game. It starts out at a whopping level 38, but its initial strength isn’t even this monster’s best feature.

Not only does Vera have high base stats, but it also comes equipped with a unique move that is one of the most powerful attacks in the game. Cera Strike is a Will-type move that not only has a high base power level but also boosts the monster defense by 10 percent with each use.

4 Stamlanche

Stamlanche is a Will-type monster that resides in the mountains around Frobec and is a solid, all-around addition to any tamer’s lineup. This monster learns a host of powerful moves across multiple different types, including a few that are advantageous against monsters that would normally beat it.

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It also has above-average stats in most categories, including high attack and speed without sacrificing solid defenses. Stamlanche also comes with a staggering amount of HP, making it a reliable choice for dishing out damage while still taking a hit.

3 Echelk

Echelk is, as its name suggests, an elk-like creature that can be found wandering the frozen landscape around the town of Frobec. A Brute-type monster, Echelk is a balanced addition to any tamer’s party that has strong stats in just about every column.

It also boasts a range of powerful attacks, some that can even eliminate enemy monsters in a single hit. Echelk can also produce a range of powerful alternate forms via the game’s breeding system, giving players the opportunity to mix its best qualities with other monsters.

2 Myedin

Myedin is quite possibly the best monster to form a pact with in Monster Crown. Mydein has some of the highest base stats of any monster in the game, with high attack, speed, physical defense, special defense, and health.

It can be found in Cliff Cave near the Empathy Kingdom, but go prepared as it’s a tough monster to catch. Along with its high stats, it learns powerful Brute-type attacks like Body Tack and Necessary Cleave, along with a few other techniques from other types.

1 Seycret

Seycret is one of the first monsters players can find after setting out on their journey through the world of Monster Crown, but it is also one of the most reliable. While its only impressive stat is its high speed, it can still dish out a decent amount of damage and take a hit or two as well.

Seycret’s utility comes from its moveset, namely its ability to inflict the Infection status effect on enemy monsters. It’s an incredibly useful attack when trying to whittle down tougher monsters or make a pact with a monster that any regular attack would overpower.

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