One of the best things that happen when learning about the world is what filmmakers provide when filming nature documentaries. They’re informative, typically relaxing, and undeniably beautiful. Perfect for an evening of rest as many sit down to watch the wonderful work of the likes of Sir David Attenborough and other fantastic creators as they tell the story of the unseen world that surrounds humanity.RELATED: The Best Documentaries On HBO Max Right NowWhile some nature documentaries may focus more on the life-cycle of an animal, looking into their life and death, others delve into nature as a whole or important events within an animal’s life. Either way, there are certain experiences where the viewer gets to watch, without a care in the world, and feel entirely relaxed as they experience the wonders of the planet.

10 Tales By Light

Typically, the most famous nature documentaries focus on telling the tales of the animals in front of the camera. Tales By Light is an exploration into the people behind the camera, leading to an interesting insight into the way these artists think, feel, and why they film these beautiful corners of the world.

While it may not focus solely on animals, a multitude of artists explore the world as a whole. Combining the entire documentary involves oceans, cultures, and almost anything desired of a nature documentary all rolled up in a beautifully shot experience.

9 Planet Earth

Planet Earth is perhaps one of the most well-known and famous nature documentaries in existence. It’s filmmaking at its prime and combines a true understanding and passion for animals into an experience many will never forget.

Narrated by Sir David Attenborough, it doesn’t particularly matter what is on the screen since his voice is undeniably soothing enough to send anyone into a relaxed state. His voice combined with the production value this show grants viewers makes it a series filled with stunning shots, amazing animals, and a relaxing ride throughout.

8 Moving Art

Rather than dictating all of his series to the typical realms of nature documentaries, filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg aims to bring to light the beauty of the world in a more unique and unseen way. He focuses on the rather unseen aspects of nature, traversing different countries and continents to show viewers the beauty within everything.

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Watching such experiences takes the viewer on a journey through the world and allows them to see more than just animals. Through Netflix, they bear witness to stunning deserts, forests, animals, and even plant life.

7 The Blue Planet

As the predecessor to Planet Earth, many would expect it to be a little worse due to the fact the crew may not have fully learned how to film such events in nature. However, as it goes with almost anything Sir David Attenborough is in, this is a cinematic masterpiece that centers around information, relaxation, and outstanding beauty.

The Blue Planet delves into elements many have no idea about, due to the idea this documentary pursues, that many know more about the moon than they do the ocean. After watching this many viewers will have their eyes opened to the life that lives under the water. It may be relaxing but this documentary is so interesting viewers will struggle to fully sit back.

6 Microcosmos

There’s so much people know about animals, from how they hunt, where they live, and so much more thanks to documentaries and conservation efforts around the world. That’s why many viewers want to explore something new. They look to the seas or other elements of the world to learn about new lives, which is where Microcosmos comes in.

Rather than exploring the likes of Elephants, Monkeys, or Dolphins, this soothing documentary analyses insects. It may not be very relaxing to someone who doesn’t like critters, but for anyone else, this is a new experience filled with stunning shots and a soothing element at its core.

5 Winged Migration

Watching birds as they flock together and sour across the sky is the closest humans may get to feeling like they’re flying, especially when the shots are as beautiful as they are in Winged Migration.

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Winged Migration aims to delve into the specific movements of birds as they migrate. This sort of niche is one many are looking for in a documentary. After all, the majority of relaxing nature documentaries provide a small amount of knowledge on a vast array of animals. Winged Migration explores a small number of animals with a vast amount of knowledge.

4 Genesis

Released in 2004, Genesis explores the planet for all of its glory, the animals, the oceans, and the land humans walk upon. At a brief glance, this film may look just like any other relaxing nature documentary, but it’s so much more.

This is mainly due to the fact that it took the creators of the film six years to shoot, making it an experience many will never get to see anywhere else. It follows lifespans, documents dramatic changes, and does all of this through a cinematic treasure.

3 March Of The Penguins

If the viewer prefers to explore a specific style of nature documentary then March of the Penguins is perfect. It focuses on one rather treacherous journey made by a group of Emperor Penguins. This focus allows the viewer to really feel for the animals and understand them in a way many other nature documentaries don’t do.

It’s worth noting there may be some, less than relaxing moments, but there’s something about watching a group of adorable penguins waddling across the ice that brings a smile and makes anyone forget their worries.

2 Frozen Planet

If ice and the frozen world is the perfect documentary location then the viewer should explore Frozen Planet. It’s another masterpiece voiced by Sir David Attenborough and is one of the more recent explorations into this frozen landscape at such high quality.

With a soothing voice and knowledge that anyone will listen to, Attenborough brings documentaries into this world that go undisputed. Almost every film he creates and explores is a masterpiece that is worth watching. This is no exception and truly makes viewers understand the beauty, and the approaching dangers the ice brings.

1 Seven Worlds, One Planet

While a majority of nature documentaries explore a vast amount of the world’s beauty, not many of them focus on each continent. Luckily, Seven Worlds, One Planet does just this.

What makes this experience so rich is how fantastic it can be to see the continent viewers live on. Seeing the animals that are present within their areas is a new experience entirely and is one many will never forget. This documentary will be relaxing, and exciting, and may even inspire viewers to see the beauty of nature that’s just outside their door.

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